Double Exposure

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"He's late." Simon looked at the clock. "And where the HELL is Angie?"

"Sorry, dont know. She left about four, saying she'd an appointment. Said she'd be back, though." Graham was arranging some of the 8x10's they'd printed off for Tom to see. He'd look at most online to be fair, but some, well, some just looked better in the flesh, so to speak.

"You can knock off for the day, Graham... and YES, I know you want to meet him, and you will, just not tonight, ok?" The way Simon looked at him brooked no arguments. He nodded and went to get his jacket.


"Yes, Boss?" He turned to see Simon sitting, rubbing his face with his hands. "Is... is something wrong?"

"I just want to say thanks. For joining us. Despite what you might think, Angie is an amazing and capable woman. She'll make a great boss." He looked at the younger man and smiled. "You'll make a great team."

"Thanks, Boss. I think we will. I really like her, and so does David. We... " he paused."we'll look out for her." He smiled. "See you on Monday."

With that, he left. As he walked away, Simon watched him pull out his phone and start to chat. Yes, Graham would look after his little sister while she looked after the business.

Simon stood and leafed through the glossy photos. Some were Tom as Rock Loki, and despite himself, he smirked. If he was going to fancy a guy, Rock Loki was definitely worth adding to the list. Maybe he should make a copy for Jenny. Then again...

His eye was caught by some candid behind the scenes shots. Black and white reportage style, they caught Tom and the team in off guard moments. Doing makeup, shifting scenery, and even drinking tea.

One in particular caught his attention. Tom was sitting relaxing on a chair, legs crossed, head tipped back laughing like a drain. Standing to the side, obviously the source of his joy, Angie was explaining or showing something, hands flailing. Her eyes shone, and her smile beaming as she looked at him.

As he looked at it, another dropped off the table onto the floor. He could remember the instant he took it. It was the instant he knew. Angie was talking to someone else, deep in conversation. The focus of the photo wasn't her, though. It was Tom. His face as he watched her. The adoration shone from his face. The love.

Simon only hoped these two photos would work where two idiots in love had failed. To communicate.

The door opened, it was gone six and getting dark. Without looking up, he greeted the arrival. "Hi Tom, you made it then?"

"Yeah, sorry about that. Got caught up at my agents. I err, I missed an appointment last night. Was getting the riot act read to me." He smiled, and when Simon looked at him, he noticed a faint blush to his cheeks.

"No worries, you're here now. Coffee?"

"Mmm, yes, please, black." He wandered over to the photos, and Simon discretely left him to it. From the little kitchen, he peeped out. At first, he sifted through the publicity stills nodding and smiling. When he got to Rock Loki, he even let a small laugh out.

As he watched, Tom came to the black and whites. His face fell. His fingers trailed gently over them, his face now reflecting the pain he felt. Simon coughed discretely and walked out of the kitchen.

Tom turned, a photo of him laughing with her in his hand.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" Simon said,"but then, I dont need to tell you that, do I?"

"No. You don't." He looked down. "I've been a fool, havent I?"

"You both have Tom." Simon put a hand on his shoulder. "If she was here, I'd tell her the same thing."

"Tell me what?"

They spun round to find her standing in the doorway.

"You came then." She said, looking at Tom. "I wasn't sure you would. I've been waiting."

Simon slunk off into the dark room and closed the door. It was up to them now.

"Of course I came." He saw her smile, and without thinking, he blabbed on." I needed to see these." He held up the photos.

"Oh. I see." Her face hardened, and the shutters came down. "Well, you have them now." She walked over to the desk. "I'll arrange to have the digital file sent to you in the morning. You can take whatever else you'd like with you tonight."

"Why were you outside?" He asked softly. "Why weren't you here?"

"Because I didn't want to be here if you arrived when Graham was here." She said flatly. "It was just too much."

"Really? You didn't trust me not to make a scene? That's a bit rich. Coming from you. After yesterday's little display in the square."

Almost unconsciously, they had slipped back into fighting. She wagged a finger at him. "And THIS is why we can't be in the same room at the same time anymore."

Raised voice meant things were getting out of hand. Simon came back out.

"Angie, please, give the man a chance. You've waited this long. Hear him out." He glared at her then looked at Tom.

"Yeah, why exactly DID you wait? To make sure I felt even more of a shit? What does it REALLY matter what I think anymore?" His voice, although not shouting, was loud and forceful. His frustration at his own cowardice showing. He wanted to tell her, but he was afraid. The way she felt about him? It would be like offering himself up as a sacrifice.

Angie slammed her hand on the table. "YOU FUCKING IDIOT. OF COURSE IT MATTERS. IT MATTERS SUCH ALOT."


"ME? ME BE HONEST?"  She barked out a laugh.

Tom had finally had enough. Sanity,reason, call it what you will, it had gone. He stepped forward and grabbed her hand, holding it tightly to  his chest."YES ANGIE WHY?! WHY DO YOU CARE WHAT I DO?"

She stood, hand feeling his heartbeat, eyes screwed shut and hissed,

"Because, despite my best efforts, I've bloody well fallen in love with you."

The world - finally - stopped.

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