Dear God

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"See you tonight? Pick you up at 7.30?" Tom leaned against the door post as she tidied up. She looked up and smiled. Today had gone well, in fact, almost too well. Tomorrow, they'd only need a half day to finish off some head shots. She nodded,

"That be nice, thanks. Gave you my address, didn't I?"

"Yep," he popped the "p" in the way she'd heard a million times and never thought she'd hear for real.

She stood up, folding a chair as she did so. "Ow!" She nipped her finger in it and recoiled, wincing. It wasn't bleeding, but it nipped like hell. Tom took a step forward and grasped her hand. Without missing a beat, he sucked the end of her finger gently, looking at her softly as her eyes prickled with tears.

"Oh god," she whispered as a reflex, her legs almost buckling.

"Yes?" Loki answered as he took her finger out of his mouth."You called me my Pet?" There was nothing else in the room, no air, no light. Just them. He kissed her softly but oh so full of desire, as if he was holding back deliberately.

"Better?" He asked quietly, his forehead resting on hers.

"Better." She breathed and smiled, her heart racing. He smiled and stood back. She walked out of the storeroom and closed the door. "I-I need..." she swallowed." I need to see Simon about tomorrow. See you later?"

"Definitely." He nodded and walked to the door. "Try not to hurt yourself, ok? I dont want our first date to be in A&E! Oh and don't worry, it's a jeans and T-shirt kind of place. I want to be relaxed, get to know the real you!" He winked and was gone.

Simon came through from the studio to find her standing grinning at thin air. "Well? Are you happier now then?" He asked in her ear, making her jump.

She blushed, "Don't know WHAT you mean!" She shrugged. "Just two friends going for a drink to get to know each other." Simon laughed loudly.

"Yeah, sure, Angie. Whatever you say."

She took her time getting ready. It made no odds that he'd said it was relaxed. It still took her the best part of an hour and a half to pick the right jeans and the right top. Eventually, she settled on black jeans, her favourite boots, and a relaxed fit green shirt.

As she looked in the mirror, she smirked. If she was Loki's Pet, she might as well look the part. The last touches were gold earrings and a long gold pendant that hung just shy of her cleavage.

A spritz of perfume and a touch of lipgloss, and she was ready. For what, she wasn't quite sure.

The doorbell rang and she picked up her jacket - a shirt black suede number - and handbag. Taking a deep breath she opened the door and recited what seemed to be her favourite phrase these days.


In front of her, in all his 6'2" glory, was Rock Loki. Down to the long black hair, the v-necked shirt, and the leather gloves. He leaned against the doorpost, one hand raised in greeting, the other slung carelessly into his jeans pocket

"Not a God, no. But your prince, any time you want him!" He smiled, and his eyes glittered. She walked forward and closed the door behind her.

"Thank you... my Prince, " she said in a breathy, throaty voice. "I appreciate you taking the time to come with me tonight."

"Oh my Pet," he whispered. "You have no idea how true that intention is." After it left his mouth, he paused in fear. It had been an unconscious reply, and probably one he would never normally have said so early on.

For a second, she looked at him. Did he REALLY just say that? By the look on his face, it had been a bit of a surprise to him too. She smiled and took his hand. "Come on, I think we BOTH need a drink now!"

Laughing, he tossed his hair back and trotted down the stairs after her. This was going to be a date unlike any he'd had before.

He had no idea how right he was.

They walked into the little bar and noone batted an eye. He smiled at her and winked. The only stares he got were the kind any 6'2" sexy god would get. No fangirls, no paps. Just adoring glances.

Sliding into a table at the back of the bar, he left her to grab their drinks. She watched him walk across, or rather, she watched his bum as he walked across. Barely aware she was almost drooling, it wasn't until their was a small giggle next to her she stopped. A couple of girls sat at the next table, watching her watching him. They met each other's gaze and the nearer of the two leaned over.

"He's soooo hot!" she smiled "Does he have a brother?"

Angie almost laughed but just smiled enigmatically. "Well technically he's adopted, but yes. Tall, blonde, muscular. Next time I see him I'll tell him to pop in!"

"Oooh thanks " she nudged her friend "told you!" they giggled and turned back to their drinks and phones.

As Angie turned to look at the bar to see where he was, she stopped short. He was gone. Nowhere. For a second she was a tiny bit anxious. This was a bar she wasn't familiar with, in a part of London she rarely frequented. The last place she really wanted to be alone. More importantly, WHAT had happened to Tom?

She got her answer. She didn't like it one bit.

All of a sudden, there was a commotion at the other end of the bar. Raised voices, a woman and a man.

"You're drunk, go home Susie."

"NO! You've no right to be with.. with THAT!" pairs of eyes previously trained on the argument, now followed the pointing finger. Across to her. With a sudden lurch, she realised it was Tom and Susie arguing.

"Why did you come here tonight? To rub my nose in it? You KNOW we belong together. You belong with ME not HER. " now she walked away from him towards Angie who braced herself. "YOU - YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Susie shouted at her, the pub falling silent. Tom tried to pull her away but she rounded on him. "DO NOT touch me, WE will talk later." she turned back to Angie. "He's MY Fiancé you bitch. You have NO right. No right at all. Just friends eh? My ARSE!" she picked up the nearest drink - some poor bystander's pint - and threw it over Angie. Then she stalked off, leaving an astonished and shocked Angie, a furious and mortified Tom, and a pub full of entertained revellers. This was better than a soap opera.

Angie sat, dripping lager from everywhere above the waist. She tried to muster what dignity was left to her and stood. Tom dashed forwards, "Are you ok love? I am SO sorry. I had no idea she would be here tonight. We haven't been here in a while...." he stopped as she raised a hand.

"Don't. Just don't. I told you before. I am NOBODY'S toy. Not even yours." she turned and started to walk to the ladies then paused. Staring straight ahead, her back to him, she added, "I'll find my own way home thanks. You better see to your FIANCEE."

The venom with which she spat the last line cut them both deeply. With that she marched off, the beer masking the tears now spilling down her humiliated cheeks. Tomorrow was going to be impossible.

Tom was torn, he wanted to wait, try to explain but he knew that she would be in no mood to listen. He also knew he had to make Susie see sense. Why had she chosen tonight of all nights to come here? This was a bar he'd hardly ever taken her to. Was it just co-incidence or was there something more sinister going on? Surely not.

"Dear God help me!" he mumbled as he walked outside to try and find Susie before she got herself into even more trouble.

He'd forgotten the old adage, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" and now? Now he had two.

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