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"Oh, Angie! It's beautiful! You know how much I love silk scarves - and this is the perfect colour. Wonder who could have helped you with THAT?" She winked as she wound the delicate waft of silk around her neck. "The green matches my new ring perfectly!"

"Your new what?" Angie stared at her friends hands. No rings to be seen. Jenny and Simon grinned.

They'd had a lovely relaxed meal, catching up with all the news from the last two months. Simon had taken her island hopping in the Caribbean, ending up on a little island just north of Grenada. They'd blogged, mostly pictures of beaches and the wildlife, a few of them sightseeing. They had missed out on one vital piece of information.

They'd finally got married. After twenty-five years and one cancer battle.

Jenny reached into her top and pulled out a sparkling ring on a chain. She proceeded to take it off, and Simon grasped her hand, slipping the emerald set wedding band in place.

"This is what I wanted to tell you in person, sweetheart." Simon looked over at Angie with a trace of regret. "I'm sorry you weren't there. PLEASE dont be mad. We just..." he looked at Jenny and bent down a little to kiss her softly, "we just didn't think we had time to wait."

Angie burst into happy tears "oh it doesn't matter! You're telling me now, so that's what counts. Im soooooo happy! At long last,! And you're DEFINITELY punching above your weight now, Mr Prentice! Congratulations!" She hugged them both, and Tom joined in the celebrations, manhugging Simon and kissing Jenny on both cheeks.

Simon held Jenny's hand tightly. "When we married - on Paradise Beach, by the way - we weren't sure how long we had, we just wanted to make however long we had, count." There was a pause, and instinctively, Tom grasped Angie's hand.

"We know now. That's why we asked you over tonight. To share our news. " Simon looked at Jenny, and she nodded.

"Go on, love. You can tell them." Her voice cracked, and Tom got ready to deal with the fallout.

Simon kissed his wife's hand and turned to them. "My wife," he grinned, and she blushed. "Has taken on the battle of her life, and now, aftercall the treatment and the tears. The generosity of a sister she gained, and all the love and support you both gave us, we now know... " Angie held her breath, knuckle in her mouth in agonising anticipation. "Jenny won. She actually won. Thanks to her determination - and your life changing gift - SHE WON. IT'S GONE!"

Angie jumped to her feet. "Oh my GOD! That's wonderful. OH MY GOD ! TOM SHE DID IT! " She got up and hugged first Jenny and then Simon as hard as she could, tears running down everyone's faces. Tom once again hugged them both, equally happy for the two people he'd come to consider as close as family too.

Simon and Tom disappeared into the kitchen leaving them to admire her rong and giggle together for a minute. They reappeared moments later, with champagne and glasses.

Tom did the honours, the popping of the cork making them all cheer. He poured the glasses and raised his own .

"To life, love and family" an echo of the meal they'd shared before. Simon looked at him and nodded.

"Seems like only yesterday we made that toast Tom. I seem to remember you two had a fair bit to say that night too." He winked and Angie laughed, a faint blush on her cheeks.

It was Tom's turn to nod. "Yes, I seem to remember we made some pretty binding promises that night, eh love?"

Angie smiled and nodded, taking a sip of champagne. As she did so, she watched as Tom put his glass down and stood. He exchanged a glance with Simon, who grabbed Jenny and said "time to do the dishes love."

Jenny looked at him as if he were mad, "but we have a dishw..." as she saw the expression on Simon's face she trailed off into "dishwasher that is playing up. Ok let's go get them done and make some coffee."

Simon almost bodily dragged her away and they could hear giggling and murmuring coming from the kitchen shortly thereafter.

Angie turned towards the kitchen and laughed, "I hope we're just like them in times to come. Although I could do without you taking on Simon's appalling taste in jumpers thank you very much!" She shook her head with a smile and turned back to Tom.

She dropped her glass.

Tom was kneeling in front of her, a small box open in his hand. Inside an exquisite diamond ring. She clasped her hands over her mouth in shock, eyes brimming again.

"My darling, we may, in our hearts be joined and I always thought that would be all I wanted. I was wrong. I want, more than anything to tell the world I am worthy. Of your love. Of your trust and respect, of your commitment and love. My soul is yours. My body is yours. My love is yours. I, my darling girl, am yours. Angie, will you complete this poor wreck of a man? Will you marry me? Will you be mine?"

All she could do for a second was nod, then she let out a huge, happy, sob. "Yes Tom, oh yes!" He reached and grabbed her hand, placing the ring on her finger then kissing her deeply.

"Thank you darling, thank you I cant begin to tell you how happy you have made me feel." He stood and called out "it's ok, you can come out now. She said yes!"

Simon and Jenny appeared from the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear.

"Congratulations Little Sister" Jenny hugged her tightly then hugged Tom.
"Congratulations Tom." She held both their hands. "You two were made for each other, and I for one can't wait to see what your beautiful babies will look like. Your cheekbones and her eyes? Incredible!"

They all raised a glass in a final familiar toast,
"To life, love and family!"

As she watched the others take a sip, Angie smiled broadly and put her glass down. She swallowed and looked at Tom. "Yeah... about those babies, there's something I need to tell you love..........."

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