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Simon and Angie sat in the café next door, talking about the weather, about how nice the soup was and how they planned to present the photos to Kevin. They talked about some little changes he wanted to make to the studio set up, how he thought she should change around the front reception and how nice her hair looked. What they didn't speak about was Tom. He hung like a spectre until eventually they had - almost - nothing else to talk about.

"So. You and Tom." he looked at her over the third latte of the hour.

"What about me and Tom. There is no 'me and Tom' I told you. We're just good friends." she refused to look at him. To admit she thought there was a 'me and Tom' risked losing it and that was something she couldn't contemplate.

"Liar. Either that or he's just using you. Telling you there's no relationship when it suits him."

"Hey that's enough! He's wonderful and affectionate and kind and absolutely NOT using me." she looked up to see him sitting smiling smugly at her, head on one side, eyebrow raised.

"I thought that might be the reaction," he laughed and put his mug down. "You just can't see it can you? The pair of you. " he reached over and took her hand. "He's waiting for you to say something. Honestly, he is. After all the business with what's her face."


"Yes, Susie. He's nervous. You need to take charge."

"Him? Nervous? No way. He's, well, HIM!" she put her own mug down and shook her head. "No, he just doesn't see me as love material. I don't mind. I just enjoy being with him. It's enough."

"Is it Angie?" he looked at her seriously, "Is it really? Doesn't a small part of you long to hear him say it? Long to know that you're his forever?"

"Stop it Simon." she warned in a low voice "you're my big brother and I love you dearly, but be careful. Don't put words in my mouth. And don't judge me. Or him." she brightened up "and anyway? Why the hell would I listen to you? You're OLD! You've forgotten what falling in love's really like!" she grinned and then her mouth fell open. She's said it without even thinking.

"Ah HA! I KNEW I'd get you to admit it!" he looked triumphant and stood up before she could say anything else. "Come on we have work to do - and you're coming for dinner tonight, no arguments ok? We want you to. We have something to ask you." he held out a hand and she stood, taking it and swinging it between them as they went.

As they got back to the studio, she waited while he unlocked the door. He looked down at her and smiled, "You know, I once, briefly wondered if we ever would... but do you know something?"

"NO! No?" she was thunderstruck, "What?"

"Being your adopted big brother has been the greatest honour of my life. I wouldn't have changed that for the world. Thank you Angie." he hugged her and she felt him take a ragged breath. This was an emotional side she'd hardly ever seen. It unnerved her slightly.

"Oh Simon. I love you so much, I can't imagine a world where you're not in it. Who else is going to keep me out of trouble?" she had tears in her eyes for the man she trusted more than anyone else in the world.

"Oh I think you know the answer to that one young lady. Now," he sniffed and rubbed his face, "Come on, we have proofs to work on."

He opened the door and ushered her in first. As he watched her walk on, he sighed inwardly. Tonight was going to be painful. Tonight he was going to tell her that the world she couldn't imagine was nearer than she ever thought. He only hoped he was right and Tom was the man to take on the role of a lifetime.

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