Further Apart Together

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"How do you know where he lives?" She sat in Simon's car, barely breathing. Her heart was racing, and her palms sweating.

"I did talk to him. That day, I visited the set. We didn't just stand and look at each other, you know." He smiled as he drove. "And I took him home." He winked."There's method in my madness!"

She sat back and took a few breaths. They'd dashed off in the car within minutes of Tom leaving. She hadn't even given a thought to what she would say. Now, as they drove through the busy streets, she couldn't begin to organise her thoughts.

"You need to sort this, Angie." Simon's voice was soft and sympathetic. "It's in danger of going so badly wrong because you're both trying too hard to pretend to the other there were no expectations."

"I know." She sighed.

"You need to tell him. The truth."

"I know that too." She looked over at Simon, and her shoulders sagged. "It might be too late."

"No. It's not over till the rotund woman makes a noise." He smiled, "and since neither of us knows a rotund woman who can sing...."

"It's not over?" She smiled sadly. "I just hope you're right."

"Word of advice? Don't let your temper get the better of you. I know you. When you're desperate, you lash out. I've felt it often enough over the years."

"I do not!" She instantly bit back, then her head dropped. "Ok."

They drove on in silence until Simon turned into a leafy square. The houses were old and classy. There was a small garden area in the middle, ringed by a fence. In the square, a couple of benches, one of which was occupied. By Tom.

Simon stopped the car. They looked at each other, and he reached over and hugged her. "I'll wait here. I have a feeling this won't take long."

Angie's legs felt like jelly as she got out of the car. She felt sick as she walked towards the figure on the bench. She was shaking like a leaf as she opened the little gate and walked in.

Drawing level with the bench, she stopped. The figure looked up.

"Hi." His eyes were full of pain.

"Hi. Do... do you mind if I sit?"

He said nothing just indicated his agreement with a sweep of his hand. She sat on the edge of the bench.

"Tom, we... we need to talk."

"What's to say? I left you alone too long. You moved on."

Her head snapped to the side. "I WHAT?" All intentions of not getting angry swept aside. How DARE he think her feelings so shallow she'd toss him aside so readily.

"It's ok. I understand, I really do. Look, I have to go out tonight. A press thing. I came to the shop to see if you wanted to come but I got my answer. I hope..." he stood up. "I hope you find the happiness you deserve, love. You deserve a lot."

"I moved on? You thought that after what, ONE week I'd moved on? And moved on from what? We were FRIENDS for God's sake. You were at great pains to emphasise THAT Thomas!" She yelled at him, her face getting redder and redder. "When it suited you. Didn't matter what I thought or felt about it all, did it?"

Now she stood. "Look. I came here to make amends; to clear up, to explain. I came here to tell you..."

"You don't owe me anything." Tom had been silent throughout it all. Why was she making this worse? Following him here. Making his misery complete. He'd lost her, and all she wanted to do was remind him it was his fault. "I'll see you tomorrow. At the studio. Goodbye Angie."

He walked away, and for the first time in her life, she had a tantrum. At thirty-odd years of age, she stood in the street and stamped her foot. "Aaargh IMPOSSIBLE man!"

Tom closed his front door and leaned against it. This was NOT how he had expected today to go. He was tired and upset. He would cry off tonight. Claim jetlag had given him a migraine.

Without a second thought, for once in his life, he let people down. He sent a text, switched off his phone, and headed to the shower.

Half an hour later, he was in bed. He was truly exhausted, but he wasn't asleep. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw her. Saw her rage. Knew he'd blown it. There was so much he should have said. He should just have told her. But now? The way she felt about him? He could never tell her.

With that sad thought echoing in his head, he drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Angie got into the car. Simon shook his head. "You list your temper didnt you? You got lost in arguing. Didnt tell him the truth?"

She shook her head, tears falling.

"Come on, let's go. You can stay at mine tonight. That sofa's been missing you. God knows what trouble you'd cause if I left you alone."

They drove away.

"Tomorrow," Tom said to himself. "Try again tomorrow."

"Tomorrow." Angie whispered as she looked out the car window. She'd try again tomorrow.

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