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"To life, love and family"

"To life"

"To Love"

"To family!"

They clinked their glasses together and toasted what had been a beautiful meal. Tom had called in a favour and got them a table at one of his most favourite - and expensively discrete - restaurants in London. They'd had a private dining room, been waited on hand and foot and eaten food that could only be described as the food of the Gods. There had been no menu, just whatever they'd wanted.

Tom had steak - of course. Angie had a beautifully fresh seafood risotto and Jenny and Simon had shared a Chateaubriande. Washed down with the finest wine and finished off with the most sumptuous desert any of them had ever had. Now they sat sipping the last of their wine, awaiting the teas and coffees.

Tom looked at Simon and Jenny and smiled. "Simon," he paused and raised his glass once more, "I just want to say thanks. For going above and beyond the call of duty for the last twenty-odd years. If there was a medal for bravery in the face of small feisty women, you would have it, bar and clasp." he raised his glass and took a sip. Before Angie could respond, he continued "Jenny, I look forward to getting to know you even better than I do now. If you have put up with these two" he looked at the guilty pair "for as long as I think you have, then yes, you too deserve a medal."

They all laughed, then he turned to Angie. "Angela." there was a collective giggle. "Angela, you my darling girl, waltzed into my life but a few short weeks ago. You quite literally, showed me what it was to have my mind blown away. I have never known anyone like you, never will again I shouldn't wonder. " he paused and winked. "But this is where the joking stops."

He became serious and Angie suddenly went cold all over. Simon and Jenny held hands under the table, trying not to give the game away. "Angie? When you met me, I was dressed as a God. When you look at me, I FEEL like a God. Your warmth colours my day, your light illuminates my night. Your honesty and strength fortify my weakest moments and your love? Your love fills me with hope. For us, for our future, for one day, our children's futures." he took a sip of wine as she gasped slightly.

"Angie, I cannot foretell what will happen over the next years, none of us can. What I can foretell is that with you by my side? I can deal with anything. Together we can deal with anything. All I want to say is that, yes, it is but the tiniest start to a lifetime's journey but I want to make that journey with you. When the time is right, I want to make the "big gesture" I want to show the world how much I love you. That time, is not now. We have so much to face - together - so much that will tax us and take the shine off our days. I want nothing more than to have a lifetime of untarnished memories with you. Angie, for now, will you promise to be mine? In front of the only two witnesses in the world that truly count, will you promise to be my companion, my love, my strength. Will you promise to be with me every day until we have no more?"

Angie was overwhelmed. She sat and listened to his beautiful words, his heartfelt meaning, his promise. She knew that one day, they would make it official, make it public, but tonight, in front of these two very special witnesses, he had made her his. She had wanted to do the same for him, but he'd beaten her to it. For once, she didn't care being second.

She looked at Jenny and Simon, both now in tears, and nodded. "Yes Tom, I promise. In front of my family here tonight I promise. With every beat of my heart, which is yours; I will love, cherish and support you. I will be with you every day until we have no more days." her voice cracked and her face glittered with tears.

Tom stood and drew her stand with him, "Then that, my love, is all I could truly ask." he kissed her and Simon and Jenny clapped.

He'd been wrong. That morning in bed. THIS was it, THIS was HIS perfect moment.

They just had to make it through the next few months and, at last, Angie would get hers....

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