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"You're here."

"Of course I am.  Told you I would."

"Well, it's done. I spoke to them."






"Yep, time to kick it's butt."

"Oh Jenny!"

Tom and Angie were sitting pretending to drink tea and watch tv when the door went and then opened.  Two sets of feet tramped through to the living room.  Angie sat up and held Tom's hand so tightly he almost lost the feeling in his fingers.  He didn't speak though. This wasn't the time.

Jenny and Simon sat down, still holding hands.  They looked at one another, then Jenny began to speak.  She got out one word and Angie's world collapsed. "Cancer."  

She hung onto Tom's arm as her dearest friends spoke at them.  Tom knew she was taking nothing in, he could see her eyes glaze over, her brain fog up.  He tried to hang on to everything for her.  To begin with, it was just a noise to Angie. She knew it was english but couldn't work out what was being said.  Then, suddenly, with pin-sharp clarity, one word came through.  "transplant" then "living donor".  

"Wait!" she said sharply.  Everyone looked at her. "You need a liver transplant?"

Jenny nodded, "yes, amongst other treatments, it's an option.  Either a full one from a deceased donor, or a partial one from a living donor".  She looked at Simon who blanched and looked at his feet. "Simon isn't a possibility though, he's had hepatitis.  No guarantees his is working 100% so they won't risk it."  She kissed his hand that she clenched in her own, "but that doesn't matter to me.  His support is what matters.  And yours - both of you." she smiled at them.  "I mean, if you can decide to be 'friends' for more than ten minutes at a time that is?" she grinned, despite her own pain, she was desperate to know.

"Oh we intend to he MORE than friends for a very long time to come." Tom said softly, hugging Angie to his side.  They smiled for a moment then, looking into her eyes, he knew.  What she was about to say.  He nodded, encouraging her.

"Take mine.  Take a piece of mine." she said simply, holding out her hand. 

"What? No! I mean, what if you need all yours later?  I'm not worth that risk."  Jenny was astonished and overwhelmed and terrified all in one go.

Tom didn't let Angie speak, he didn't need to. "Jenny, I haven't had the pleasure of knowing you for more than a few hours, let alone days, but I know one thing.  If Angie feels you deserve it then that's good enough for me.  I love this woman, more than I can say, and I would NEVER encourage her to do anything that would jeopardise her future.  HOWEVER, in this case?  No matter the risks, I know there is nothing any of us can say that will change her mind.  So, in that case, I suggest you accept.  You know how stubborn she can be!"  He smiled down at her and she blushed.

Jenny looked at Simon, Simon looked at Angie and Angie looked at them both.  No words were exchanged, but in one movement the three of them stood and hugged.  Tom watched with a soaring pride for his wonderful girl and her brave choice.  He knew how much Simon and Jenny meant to her and now?  So did they.  Life was indeed, too short not to say these things.

They spent the next few hours talking and discussing and opening up about all their hopes and fears.  They discussed when, where, the implications for Jenny and those for Angie. It wasn't going to be a walk in the park.  Jenny would need an operation to remove the cancer that was already there.  Chemo to kill any radicals and then the transplant to help rebuild what was left as her own would have little to no function after all that.  

Tom and Simon sat in awe of the two women.  After the initial tears, they had rolled up their sleeves and got down to business.  The practicalities, the logistics and the emotional toll, all were talked over, through and down.  It wasn't until they realised they were almost sitting in the dark that they knew they'd been talking pretty much all day.  

"Don't know about you lot, but I'm starving!" Simon said at last.  He looked about.  "Where is it?"

"Where's what?" Angie was confused, he knew where everything was in her home.

"The scabby cat so I can eat it!!" he laughed and she batted him with a cushion.  

"Do NOT say that.  You know cats aren't scabby - or for eating!" she exclaimed as they all laughed at his candour.  "I've got some takeaway menu's in the drawer.  I think we need a little cheering up don't you?"  she shrugged.

"I have a better idea!" Tom piped up.  "How long to get our glad rags on?"

"An hour?  Less?" the girls answered with a giggle.

"Good, now get going, I'll send a taxi for you two.  Tonight is on me.  Tonight we celebrate.  Life, love and family." he stood and took Angie by the hand.  "Right you, upstairs, get changed Now!" he smacked her on the backside and she squealed as she ran up the stairs.

Turning to Simon and Jenny he said in a quiet voice, "It's  going to be hard, for all of you, I just want you to know that from this moment on, I will do my best by her.  By you too.  We have a road to travel, but together, we can get there.  We - I - just need to do one more thing.  To ensure she knows I'm here for the long run.  Can you keep a secret?"

They nodded, excitement bubbling up despite everything. "Good, well..."

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