~Andromeda and Inwë~

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Vili-welcome to the chat!!


Inwë-is Legolas here?

Vili-at the moment it's just me here everyone was a little sleep deprived from last night at the sleepover

Andromeda-how come you are awake then?

Vili-one word: COFFEE ehehehehehe


*Haldir and Legolas walk in*

Legolas-INWË!!! YOU MADE IT!

*Inwë and Legolas hug*

Inwë-Haldir! You came too! *blushes slightly*

Vili-*whispers to Andromeda* should I ship it yet?

Andromeda-*giggles* just wait

Haldir-yes it's good to see you again mellon

Vili-oooooohhhh Mellon zoned

Andromeda-I have an idea! Legolas, Vili and I have to go see our friends but you two can stay here and chat!

Inwë-uh ok!

Haldir-Inwë would you like to accompany me on a walk to Rivendell?

Inwë-I would love too

*Inwë and Haldir exit*


Legolas-at least my sister is going to date Haldir and not someone weird *mumbles* like Kili *fake cough*


Andromeda-come on Vili lets go

*Andromeda and Vili go for walk*

*Eomer jumps out of bushes in front of them*

Eomer-run! There's a pack of orcs coming this way!

Andromeda-we can kill them right Vili?


*orcs come out*

*Vili kills orcs with her sword and bow*

*Andromeda does some awesome killing moves with her daggers*

*Eomer throws a spear at an Orc and kills more with his sword*

Eomer-Look out!

*orc comes at Andromeda while she's off balance. Eomer throws his dagger and kills the orc*


Eomer-you're welcome. I didn't catch you're name before

Andromeda-it's Andromeda and yours?

Eomer-Eomer. Say would you like to come with me to the glade? I would like to know how you became such a good warrior

Andromeda-of course! Bai Vili!

*Andromeda and Eomer walk off to the clearing in the trees*

Eomer-you are quite a fair warrior where did you Learn those moves?

Andromeda-I've practiced most of my life. I've been in a few battles too

Eomer-Legolas and Celeste are hosting a party this weekend would you like to be my date?

Andromeda-I would love to be your date *hugs Eomer*

Meanwhile in Rivendell...

Inwë-wow I haven't been in Rivendell in a while. Is that a new spring over there?

Haldir-yes it is *smiles*

Inwë-thank you Haldir for taking me here it's wonderful

Haldir-Inwë would you like to come with me to Legolas and Celeste's party this weekend?

Inwë-of course!!


There you have it! Welcome HazelCarmine1489076 and Ruffruff18 to the chatroom (aka Inwë and Andromeda)!!!!! I hope you liked this and you can tell there is going to be a party soon!!!! Yay!!!! Keep requesting dates and new events to do! I'm getting some writers block for ideas!

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