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Vili-we has a fangirl

Merry-that hasn't happened for a while

Vili-IKR here she is now!!!

Novalee-*walks in* hallo!

Vili-so what's new?

Novalee-my pet dragon almost set my hair on fire when I was coming here


Novalee-yep! His name is Walker! Here he is now! *Teensy purple dragon flys in*

Vili-EEP Merreh hide meh!! *hides behind Merry*

Novalee-he's not dangerous

Merry-he's kinda cute *reaches out hand out to pet*

*Walker bites Merry's hand*

Merry-OI! That hurt!

Novalee-*giggles* sorry

*Arwen magically appears*

Arwen-I heard a cry of pain and have come to heal your wound

Merry & Vili-Ummmmmm what?

Arwen-are you hurt?

Merry-nah it's just a lot of blood pouring out of my hand it's fine *rolls eyes*

Arwen-*fixes up Merry's hand* all better! ^.^


*Elrond appears*

Elrond-Arwen! Where are you?

Arwen-I'm here father!

Elrond-*turns corner and sees Novalee* *blushes*

Vili-did I see a blush on Elrond?

Elrond-*ahem* no. It's hot in here. Well actually this lady here is hot. I MEAN UH *blushes and stutters*



Arwen-I'm going now *slinks away into the shadows of the abyss (lol what did I just type?)*

Novalee-*giggles and blushes* thank you, Elrond? Is it?

Elrond-yes. Elrond. And you are?

Novalee-my name is Novalee

Vili-can we call you Nova for short or Lee or Valee or Ee or...

Merry-geez Vili shush and let the ship talk


Vili-you guys really need to come into the 21st century

Merry-you two should go on a date

Novalee-I don't think...


Merry-you two! Off to Rivendell! Elrond give her a tour!

Elrond-I actually wouldn't be opposed to that *looks expectantly at Novalee*

Novalee-I'd love a tour!

*Novalee and Elrond walk out together*

Merry-did you say Ee?


Merry-I love you *pulls her into hug and presses forehead against hers*

Vili-I love you more *hugs him back*

Merry-nah you don't *kisses her*


Don't judge me! I have to put in #Merli moments at some point. Welcoming eveningstar_novalee aka Novalee to the chat!!!!!!!!!!!

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