Novalee and Elrond

45 10 6

(Story part)

Elrond paced nervously, waiting for Novalee to arrive. He was waiting just outside of Rivendell. Him and Novalee were planning to go for a walk in the woods.

"Hello!" Novalee said, slightly scaring Elrond. He snapped around and immediately smiled.

"Hello." He said back.

"Ready for our walk?" Novalee asked.

Elrond nodded and they held hands and started down the worn path. They didn't talk a lot, just about what they had done that day and talking about the weather and such. Then as they were about to head back it started pouring rain.

"We should take shelter until it stops." Elrond said, leading Novalee to a nearby cave type area made of rocks.

"I wasn't expecting it to rain." Novalee chuckled, ringing out her damp hair.

Elrond and Novalee laughed and talked about other things while they waited out the rain. After a long time their talk grew more deep and the rain didn't let up in the least.

"So do you really love me?" Novalee asked.

"I do." Elrond responded, taking her hand.

"I... love you too." Novalee said, looking into his eyes and smiling. She leaned in a little bit and Elrond leaned in too. Their lips were about to touch but a shout interrupted them.

"Nova! Elrond! We found you!" Vili shouted, appearing in front of the cave in a yellow raincoat, rain boots.

"Did you find them, Vi-vi?" Another shout came from farther away.

Vili smiled at the surprised couple in the cave.

"Well come on! We need to get back home before you catch a cold." Vili said to Elrond and Novalee.

"You sound like my mum." Merry laughed, he was standing next to Vili, holding an umbrella above them both.


"We were, uh, kind of having a moment." Novalee choked out.

"Oh, oops." Vili said.

"There you go again, Vili. Ruining ships." Merry rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, continue." Vili and Merry sidestepped away and left Novalee and Elrond alone again.

"Now how about that kiss?" Novalee chuckled. Elrond and Novalee shared the kiss that had been interrupted and then felt satisfied enough to leave.


"We were looking everywhere for you." Kili said, once everyone was back in the Oakenshield household.

"Once it started to rain then we couldn't find you guys anywhere." Vili continued.

Novalee and Elrond explained what happened and then laughed at Vili's story of how she slipped on some mud and dragged Merry down with her.

"A captain always goes down with its ship!" Vili announced.

"I think we'd all gone with the #Merli ship." Novalee said.

Vili blushed and Merry laughed.

"Just don't run off like that again." Vili composed herself.

"We won't, Mum." Novalee joked.


Hello! Finally the Nova and Elrond date!!!!!!! eveningstar_novalee!!
Hope you liked it!

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