#Gwenduil Wedding

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(Dress in media, necklace in media)

Gwen-alright girls it's time



Gwen-look at this dress! What do you think, maid of honours?

*Vili and Celeste were both maid of honours since Gwen couldn't decide*

Vili-it's beautiful

Celeste-I love the leaves!

Gwen-what do the bridesmaids think?

*Novalee, Andromeda, Hali and Inwë all agreed that it was lovely*

Vili-we need dresses for our bridesmaids now!

Novalee-how about this blue one?

Andromeda-I think it should match the colour of the leaves on Gwen's dress

Hali-how about this light green one?

Gwen-I like that one!!

Inwë-now all that's left is Celeste and Vili...

Gwen-they should have these grey dresses with the sparkles

Vili-they're so pretty!!!!!!

Celeste-I love it!

Gwen-yayz! It's all settled then!


(Changing to story part)

A few day later...

Gwen took a deep breath in. "I'm so excited!" She said, slightly hopping up and down. Celeste was standing next to her, laughing at her excitement.

"Where on Middle Earth is Vili?" Celeste asked, they had been waiting for a few minutes and the young dwarf still hadn't appeared.

"I don't know. Oh! Celeste, I forgot something!" Gwen cried out.


"I don't have a necklace. I planned on getting one to match my earrings." Gwen started to pout a bit.

"It doesn't matter now." Celeste said.

"Hey! Let me in!" They heard from behind the door, followed by a bang.

"That sounds like Vili." Celeste went and opened the door to a very exhausted looking Vili.

"Sorry I'm late. I had to finish prepping things for the after party, plus my uncle is here and I haven't seen him in a while." Vili rushed out all her words and Celeste and Gwen barely caught them.

"Your uncle?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, My uncle Thorin. I thought you knew this?"

"I must've forgotten." Gwen smiled and then realised the other thing she forgot...

"Oh and by the way, I got you a special gift!" Vili said, reaching into her sack she was carrying. She pulled out a small box. Gwen took the box and opened it to a sparkly diamond necklace.

"Oh, Vili it's beautiful!" Gwen exclaimed.

"What perfect timing too, because Gwen forgot to buy a necklace." Celeste added.

Vili chuckled, "I guess so."

"Now you need to hurry up because we need to go out now." Celeste hurried Gwen and Vili along, seeing as she was the oldest and they went out into the trees were the ceremony was being held.

Legolas was Gwen's escort down the aisle and he did look fabulous, wearing a silver suit. But the person who looked even more fabulous was Thranduil. He was wearing a silver suit, that sparkled slightly and had white and green leaves sewn in. It kind of matched Gwen's gown.

Everything seemed more peaceful, since they had the ceremony at night. The light of the moon shown down on the beads hung around the trees, they reflected light and cast a rainbow type glow. As did the lanterns that were strung around the branches. The mirkwood people watched from the ground and all of Gwen's best friends say in the audience.

(Blah blah blah you know the speech)

"I now pronounce you King and Queen of Mirkwood!" Gandalf said. Gwen and Thranduil shared their first kiss as husband and wife and then it was off to the reception.

They were all in the great halls dancing and dining all through the night. The Oakenshield family was reunited with Thorin after a long time of him being away and Gwen finally got to meet him.

As Gwen and Thranduil were on their elk about to ride away on their honeymoon, Gwen threw her bouquet behind her. Hali happened to catch it but handed it quickly off to Vili. Everyone laughed and patted them both on the back.

"Does this mean I get married next or you?" Vili chuckled.

"Hopefully neither of us gets married soon. We can be single ladies forever." Hali replied.

"Aren't you forgetting that I already have a boyfriend? And you do too."

"Psh, Bard isn't my boyfriend." Hali blushed.

"Everyone knows he is."


Shadowofawriter is hitched!!!!!! YAYZ! This was so much fun to write and I hope you all enjoyed!!!!!!!!

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