Frolli for the win

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*Evalyne, Lili, Vili and Nelli are all sitting in a circle*

Evalyne-so what are we doing today?

Vili-we're going to have a hobbit and their girlfriends party!

Lili-sounds fun but where are the guys?

Vili-not here. They are meeting us in Rivendell

Nelli-is that where the party is?


Lili-so.... should we leave?

Vili-yes! Everyone go now!

*all start walking*

*Vili pulls Evalyne and Lili backwards away from Nelli*

Vili-*whispers* ok here's the plan this is just a set up for Nelli and Frodo

Lili-ok... what about the guys?

Vili-Merry, Pippin and Sam are pretending that we are having the party but as soon as we get there we all bolt

Evalyne-so Nelli and Frodo will be left alone?


Nelli-are you guys whispering?

Lili-nope not at all

*all arrive at Rivendell*


Frodo-Nelli *hugs*

*everyone else leaves*

Frodo-where'd everyone go?

Nelli-they all just disappeared

Frodo-I bet it's some type of prank that Merry and Vili planned

Nelli-yeah most likely

Frodo-I was wondering why there was a table over there set up for two

Nelli-it's a candlelit dinner *giggles*

Frodo-that's so cliché

Nelli-but cute

Frodo-would you accompany me, milady? *holds out hand*

Nelli-of course my good man *giggles and takes his hand*

*Frodo and Nelli enjoy candlelit dinner while the others stalk them from the bushes*

Merry-*whispers* I'm resisting the urge to ship so hard right now

Pippin-me too brother

Vili-I think they're going to kiss *starts shaking Merry*

Evalyne-oh my gosh

Lili-they're kissing!!!

Merry-#Frolli for the win


Hope you liked it Nelzers!!! Only a few more to go. Jk!!!! There's so many more to go!!!! It's so much fun to write these!!!!! Btw go check out my randomness book for some awesome and awkward moments.

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