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Once long long ago. Long before our time. There was a god known as Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl was once an evil god, always sending storms, famine, and floods upon the lands, destroying the lands. So one day the people decided they would send him a sacrifice, hoping to tame his wrath upon the grounds. They had asked many young girls to come forth to help save the lands, but none would do so. But one day a beautiful girl shows up, and enters the King's palace, Hearing their woes, she is pink-furred and has emerald green eyes, like that of the jungle forest. She was sweet and kind, and loved by all. She was only sixteen and she stepped forward saying...

"I will willingly take on the role of the Sacrifice and stop Quetzalcoatl from destroying the lands. I do this with great honor in calming the mighty god Quetzalcoatl!"

The king knew of this girl very well. After much thought and consideration, he nodded, and so they set out to get her ready, and once ready they headed to the temple where they would sacrifice her. As they head to it, a storm rages on, and thunder and lightning flash above, as they make their way there.  By the time they got there, their clothing was soaked through and sticking to them. Even the girl's pure white attire was soaking wet and clung to her, showing her bare skin underneath. Once there they entered the temple, and to the heart of it, they tied the girl up and left. Quetzalcoatl soon comes down from the heavens and sees her, and looks upon her. He finds this very curious and shifts into his half-beast, half-Mobian form. A Naga. The girl looks upon the mighty being before her and Quetzalcoatl flicks his tongue out tilting his head. speaking.

"Who are you, and why are you tied up?"

She looked up at him, and upon seeing her Emerald eyes he could tell she was different. Special even. There was something about this girl that called to him. But when she spoke, it was like all time had stopped when she asked a simple question. 

"Why do you do this? Why do you hurt the people who have worshiped you for eons?"

Quetzalcoatl tilts his head at her and for some strange reason, he finally speaks.

"I do this because I can...and because I am...HEARTBROKEN

The girl looks at him confused and sees the look on his face. His Ruby eyes that complemented hers looked dead and broken, tired even. Like all life was lost to him. But she could see the anger and pain in them as well. Quetzalcoatl looks at her in shock... surprised that he would tell this mortal girl such a thing, but what surprises him more is what she said next.

"Who was she?"

Quetzalcoatl looks at her and sees that she is not scared of him. He slowly slithers over to her, getting closer, and closer to her, and yet she does not flinch or quiver in fear of him. He moves around her, taking her from all sides, and for some strange reason, he stops in front of her, holds her chin up, and looks at her in the eyes deeply. For a long while they hold their gaze, and after such, he reaches up, and using his claws, he cuts the ropes binding her to the pole that holds her. She lets out a small gasp as he speaks, and gently holds her, as he gently brushes the side of her cheek strangely and lovingly.

"I am heartbroken because I lost the one who was everything to me. Mortals have found a way to hurt me, by taking my mate from me. And so because of this, I shall rid the world of them."

"You're Mate?!"

The girl asked shocked. It now all made sense to her. For the last thousand years or so he has promised to rage war upon mortal kind, because of them taking his mate from him. This brought a tear to the girl's eye as she couldn't believe something like this could happen. Quetzalcoatl looks at her puzzled as to why a mortal girl would shed a tear for him when she speaks in a shaky voice.

A Naga and his Rose (A ShadAmy Story)Where stories live. Discover now