Chapter 6, The Art of Betrayal, Part 1

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Deep in the Camazotzian forbidden jungles...several months ago...

"Quickly now we only have a few more hours left before we need to head back, and I want to gather as much as we can."

Deadshot calls out to everyone. Even though he had enough herbs for what he needed, he wanted to gather as much as he could to bring back for future use. Queen Rouge rarely lets him, or anyone for that matter, come here. The forbidden jungle was part of the Naga Lands, and the Naga and Camazotz rarely saw eye to eye. But the funny thing was, this part of the jungle also crossed over into their land as well, and years before Rouge was thought of or even born, it was decided that this part of the land would be forbidden by both sides. Leaving it forbidden to all but to those who had business there. So when Deadshot needed special herbs from here, he made sure to gather enough to last him a good long while. As time goes on he looks around, then up and calls out.

"Alright everyone that is enough! It's time we head back now. There isn't much time left, I need to get started on the elixir before the moon rises to its zenith!"

Everyone finishes what they are doing, and just as they get ready to take off, one of the guards hears something and draws his Mikazuki blades as the other three follow suit. Deadshot sees this and walks over as three Naga in royal Guard attire come out from the foliage, see them, and point their spears at them.

"Stop right there, you filthy flying rats! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE HERE! THIS IS FORBIDDEN LAND!"

Deadshot' guards bare their fangs hissing at them.


Deadshot rolls his eyes. It was like this every time he came here. Or when one of their Shamans came here for herbs. Normally Shadow didn't send patrols to the forbidden lands much, but every so often he would do so just to see how things were going, making sure that the treating was still in place. Deadshot steps forward pulling out a letter, at the same time as the royal Naga Shaman slithers over, as Deadshot speaks in a calm voice.

"Enough, everyone. Please forgive my guards, my good Nagas. But I was permitted by Queen Rouge to be here to gather very special herbs. Everything is here in the letter."

The Shaman eyes him but takes hold of it and recognizes the seal of the bat Queen. Opening it and reading it over, he nods.

"Please forgive the ignorance of my guards as well, grand master Deadshot. I too have come to gather some herbs from the forbidden lands as well."

"By all means, Grand Master Tika-Al, go right ahead. We are done here anyway."

"Tell me Grand Master Deadshot, what herbs are you gathering this day?"

She asks him out of curiosity.

"Nightwish roots, Bartok leaves, Reaper claws, Morgoth flowers, Fire root flowers, Sage root, Paradise moss, and lastly, the rarest of them all, Ixchel's Moon Flower."

"Strange...Very strange..."

Tika-Al looks at him rubbing her chin in thought. Even though the Nagas and Camazotzian' tend not to see eye to eye, the Shamans and Healers from both sides always do.

"Why is that strange my friend?"

"Because it so happens I am after the very same herbs. His majesty wishes for me to try and do a seeing, and try to speak with the spirits of old to find a couple of people close to him who have gone missing."

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