Let The Games Begin Part 3

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(AN: MAUDITE FEMME! Is French for Cursed or damned Woman

Also, this is the final Part of this chapter. Originally I had one final part, but it revolved around Knuckles and Eris, but after working on it, and finishing it, I still needed to edit it, I decided to make it its only chapter. that should either be out later tonight/day, whatever your time zone is, or in a day or two. But with the roll, I am on it should be out in a few hours, and then I can take a small break, do some art for someone, and then work on the anticipated chapter that will truly get things going! 

So till then my beloved readers, see you on the flip side!

PS...Ivy Sonic wholesome moment that will make you go...DAAAAAWWWW❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ and best of all PLOT TWIST! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAA!)


Back in the mountains a week had a half had passed and things were alive with activities. The news about Knuckles and Blaze's union was going around, and things were being prepared. They had planned to be united as one, after the storm Shadow planned to send across the jungles, and things settled afterward.

But this last week if anything was hard on Eris, or Chimalma as she was going by for the time being, as she had to watch the interaction with Blaze and Knuckles. She could see how much effort he was putting into it, and she could see how much he cared for Blaze. As if he truly did love her. There were far too many times she wanted to just come out and say who she was, rip into him, and tell him off, but she knew it wasn't time. For the most part, Blaze played her part well. Eris could see how much she cared for him, but she also knew that a Soul Bonding had happened between Silver and Blaze.

As of right now though, Blaze, Shadow, and Knuckles were talking with some delegates from another part of the mountain Naga lands and dealing with some minor problems as she stood close by. This was one part of her job she hated. Standing around for so long. Sometimes she wondered why Shadow had made her his personal guard when he could just shift into his true form and eat people.

It sometimes made no sense to her at all. Nonetheless, she did her job well. Sometimes TOO well, as Blaze and Knuckles were about to find out. As the delegates left, a merchant walked in with some of his men, and they started to talk, Chimalma was listening in to them talk while looking ahead and keeping her guard up. Ever since these Nagas had come into the throne room, something had been off about them. They said they were traders passing through the mountains but Chimalma felt something was wrong. She did not like it, it set her fur on end.

So you are telling us that you came from an unknown part, or a part of the Naga lands rarely visited due to the intense heat, just to bring us a gift after hearing about our union?

Blaze asked the Naga before her.

"Yes, that is right. As we were passing by some stalls, we overheard that the most wonderful, and beautiful Queen of the Mountains was getting married soon, and wished to pay our respects before we left. We were going to sell this in the Black Arms city trade for a hefty price since it is hard to come by, but figured we would give it to you and your husband-to-be as an early wedding gift."

I see. And just what is this item that you are gifting me and my soon-to-be mate?

The Naga chuckles as he narrows his eyes. He turns around and claps his hands as the doors to the throne room open and several people walk in pulling in a covered item. Something about this item unsettled Chimalma a great deal. As they were pulling it in, Shadow just happened to glance her way and he could see something was wrong.

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