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(AN: 1: The song up above, I feel suits this chapter, since most of this is about death, being alone, and not having someone by their side.

2: This Chapter mostly revolves around Amy and Eris, with Micha having her own part in it, so it Mostly Revolves around the Girls.

3: I know what you all thinking  WHEN is THE SHADAMY GONNA HAPPEN?! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO DO SHADAMY?  IT'S COMING PPL SO SHUSH! I promise it is coming I'm building up to it! I have a method to my madness. But I don't want this to be all about JUST ShadAmy. So I am gonna build up to it. I promise there will be ShadAmy, but I need to Age everyone up, do some SonAmy for the SonAmy fans, then work my way up to the SonAmy fans wishing to kill me and work my way there. >:3

4: You're all probably gonna be wondering why, or have been wondering why I have been adding extra spaces with my last 2 parts. that is Easy, Dyslexia. I know a lot of readers have it, so I do it for them. I know dyslexia can make it hard for people to read, as the letters get jumbled around. I used to have and know friends who had it. it's hard for them, so I do it for them. so if you have it and read my stuff, you are welcome. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

5. This chapter is long, and it has blood gore, death, etc...sorry you horny ass perverts, no Snu Snu as of yet in this chapter or even a hint of it. but soon...I promise! i think that is everything, so Enjoy this next part!)

2 years later...

Oh, thank you so much, Hershey!

But of course, Amy. I am happy to help you since you are all alone now. I know I am not to be around you or helping you in any way, but you are still just a child. What Chief Maximilian has been doing is wrong. It is not your fault for what happened. If you ask me, he brought all of this hell upon himself. Just remember, Amy, what happened two years ago is not your fault. is. I know it is.

Oh, Amy...

Hershey lets out a sad sigh as Amy looks away with her ears folded back. Just a few days ago she had turned ten, and when she woke up happy and excited about it, she went to wake Nana, only to find that she wouldn't wake up. Amy had tried to wake her, do what she could, but after five minutes of trying, she became scared and ran to the village crying, and calling out for help. She knew she wasn't allowed in the village but what was she to do? She was scared and didn't know what to do.

Everyone who saw her looked at her and backed away from her like she had the plague or some sort of sickness. She cried out for help, but it fell on deaf ears. Amy fell to the ground in the middle of the village as several warriors came after her, with their spears pointed at her. Scared, and crying, she looked up at them as she BEGGED them to help her. But they only kept trying to get her to leave.

That was till Sonic and Hershey came to her aid. Hershey was a young Cat woman of twenty-two and had yet to find her mate. She had moved into the village two years ago and took a liking to Amy when she first met her. They saw what the warriors were doing to her, and Hershey gave them the what-four as Sonic pulled Amy from harm's way and out of the village. Hershey followed behind them till they were at the edge of the jungle. Amy remembers that day all too well...

Flashback...a few days ago...

Ames, what is wrong?! Why did you run into the village like that when you knew you were not allowed in it?!

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