Chapter 17

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"Is Natalie a Siren?" I asked and flicked my tail, lazily. I was lounging in the water on my back with both Brady and Blayke near me also floating on their backs. "Is that why she isn't on the swim team and her mother had pulled her out of school?"

Blayke shrugged. "I don't know," she said, honestly, and I nodded. "I think that she is a supernatural creature, but I don't know what."

"I think she is a Witch," Brady said from somewhere to my left, and I looked at him before I looked toward the sky. "I wouldn't be surprised if she is or not."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him again. "And why do you think that she is a witch?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"Well because she does a lot of weird shit sometimes," he said, "and her mother is very attuned with the natural world around her. I mean, how else would she know if there was something dark hanging around the school?"

"But that's the thing," Blayke said. "There is no dark something hanging around the school. I personally believe that she isn't a witch, and her mother is just crazy."

"Or it could be something, like a cloud, that we can't see," Brady pointed out, and I silently agreed with him. He cleared his throat and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Well, what do you think, Princey Boy?" he asked and raised his eyebrow higher.

I shrugged and scowled, but I didn't say a word about him calling me Princey Boy because I knew that he wasn't going to change and keep calling me that, especially when he was able to say it out loud with Blayke. "I don't know," I said. "To be honest, I think that there might be something supernatural about them."

"Are you going to ask?" Blayke asked and raised an eyebrow, and I snorted and rolled my eyes, amused.

"And why would I ask?" I asked, mimicking her and raising an eyebrow. I turned to look at her and watched her shrug with a grimace.

"Because her mother likes you," she replied. "I am sure that if you said you were a mer, then she would tell you what she is."

"Or she isn't a supernatural creature, and I just told someone that I was one and will have to suffer the consequences," I replied. I sighed and shook my head while she shrugged. "I want to know, but I have a feeling that it would be too dangerous to try and figure it out."

"But what if she tells you that she is a witch first?" she asked and cocked her head while she looked at me. "Would you tell her then, or would you keep it a secret?"

"I'd play it by ear," I replied and shrugged. "I would like to know and to know if her mother knows anything, but I don't want to risk my safety or the safety of other merfolk to prove my curiosity or hunches."

"Well, that was a princely thing to say," Brady said, and I rolled my eyes and scowled at his teasing tone. "I am very proud of you, Ty."

"Very funny," I said dryly and Blayke snorted and bit back a small grin.

Brady smirked and shrugged before he grew serious. "But in regards to risking one's safety, I think that it is time for us to go back to the house," Brady said, changing the subject. "We have been out for long enough, and I have a feeling my dad will start wondering what we are up to and send word to the king that we are not where we are supposed to be." He gave me a pointed look and scowled.

I bit back a sigh before I nodded. "I know," I said before I closed my eyes a bit before I cleared my throat. "Don't tell your dad that we were out and visiting with Blayke," I said. "I don't think that he will appreciate that."

Brady nodded. "I know," he said before he cleared his throat and flicked his tail. "I won't tell him about this. However, I do suggest not leaving and not telling me where you go or who you meet."

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