Chapter 16

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"-Siren," someone said from behind us, and we both turned around to see Brady leaning against a tree. He had a smirk on his face, but I could see a wave of underlying anger in his gaze. "I should have known."

"Brady," I said, interrupting Blayke from talking. "What are you doing here?"

Brady's lip flickered into a smirk. "Well, Princey Boy," he drawled out, and I rolled my eyes and scowled. "You were not at the river like you had said you would be, so I decided to look for you." He shrugged.

"Yes, but why here?" I asked. "Why would you follow me to this spot, even though there could have been many other spots I could be at?"

"Yes, but I know that this is the closest spot where you two could meet," Brady said and shrugged again.

I scowled and narrowed my eyes, and Brady hesitated but looked down. "Do not tell me that you had been following me," I warned. "How did you know that I went to meet with Blayke?"

"You walked her home," he replied, simply, "and no, I did not follow you." He shifted on his feet and glanced around before he pursed his lips and looked back at me. "Though I should have," he muttered. "It's not safe for you anymore."

I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to say something but closed it when Blayke said something.

"You called him a prince," Blayke said. "Why did you call him a prince?" She looked at Brady and then at me, scowling. "What are you two hiding?"

"We're Mer," Brady said and shrugged as if he was talking about the weather. "Ty here is the grandson of Neptune, which is why your Siren song didn't work on him." He studied her and smiled. "It was good practice, though, but I hope you don't try to do it again."

Blayke blinked and blinked again. Her mouth was slightly parted while she looked between the two of us, and I had a feeling that she couldn't comprehend what he told her. "What?" she asked, her voice getting squeaky. She looked at me. "Do you know what he is talking about?"

I sighed and nodded. "Brady and I aren't human either," I said. "As he stated, we are mer, and I am the supposed grandson of Neptune."

She raised an eyebrow. "'Supposed?'" she asked. "What do you mean by 'supposed?'"

I shrugged. "I found out that I was his grandson... two days ago." I glanced at Brady for confirmation, and he nodded before I looked at her.

"Then why have you been living here and not in the sea?"

"Don't know," I replied. "All I know that it i- was for the safety of my mother and me."

Blayke furrowed her brows. "Was?" she asked. "What do you mean by was?" Realization dawned in her eyes, and sadness clouded her eyes. "Oh," she said, and I grimaced and nodded.

"Ya," I said. "Oh."

"Do you know where she is?" she asked, and I shook my head, no. She looked at Brady, and he shrugged and didn't say a word.

I looked at my best friend to see that his jaw was set, and he looked guilty. I knew that he blamed himself for my mom being missing, even though it wasn't his fault, nor was it his father's.

Blayke sighed and moved a hand through her hair. She grimaced and nodded. "Damn," she said, and I nodded. She looked between the two of us. "So... are you going to keep my secret?" she asked.

"Well, if you keep ours," Brady said and shrugged. "I mean, it wouldn't make sense if we kept yours, and you told others ours."

Blayke gave Brady a weird look. "This has to deal with Ty, so of course, I am going to keep it," she said. She looked at me. "I am not going to call you "Your Highness" nor bow, so I hope you don't want me to do that."

"I don't even want Brady to call me "Princey Boy," but he does that anyway." I scowled, and my best friend grinned and shrugged.

"It pisses you off, so of course, I am going to use it."

"What is the relationship between you and Aquamarine?" Blayke asked, interrupting me from saying something to him. She gave him an annoyed look before she looked at me. "I know that she was jealous when you asked to walk me home."

I pressed my lips into a thin line and cleared my throat. My heart yearned to be with her, but she kept pushing me away, and I had no idea how much I could take before I told her off and left her. "She's my "Chosen,"" I said coldly. "However, she doesn't want me." I shrugged and cleared my throat.

Blayke furrowed her brows and cocked her head. "But why not?" she asked. "Is she making you prove yourself to her?"

I shrugged and nodded because she was making me prove myself to her. "I don't know," I replied, answering her first question. "I think she had seen videos of human men chasing after girls and whatnot, and she thinks that I am one of them."

Blayke scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Does she really think that you will cheat on her?" she asked. "With me?"

Brady and I glanced at each other before we looked at her. We didn't say a word to her, and our silence was a confirmation that she needed for her question.

Blayke wrinkled her nose and shook her head. "No way," she said. "There is no way in hell that you can cheat on someone if you give them your all," she added.

"Well, we don't know that," Brady said. "I mean, he could cheat on her. He's never been with a girl that way before her."

We glanced at each other and then looked at Brady. Both of us stayed silent, but our meaning was clear. Did he really think that I would cheat on her with someone else, even though cheating was something I had been taught was wrong?

Brady looked at me and then at Blayke. He looked at me and shrugged. "Ya... I don't know why I said that," he said, and I rolled my eyes. "I already know that you aren't going to cheat on her and will treat her well."

"So... what are you going to do?" Blayke asked and looked at me.

I sighed and shook my head. "I don't know," I admitted. "What I do know is that I am not going to worry about it right now. I'll prove myself or not to her, and if she doesn't want me, then it's ok. I'll live."

Blayke frowned and nodded. Worry flashed through her eyes, and I could tell that she was worried. "Well, then for now," she grinned, "let's go swimming." She bounced up and down, and Brady and I looked at her weirdly. "I want to see this prince's new style and groove."

Brady laughed. "Well, I'd like to see that too," he said. "Because Ty does not have any groove."

I gave him a blank look and sighed. "Gee," I said. "Thanks."

"Any time, Princey Boy," he replied. "Any time."

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