Chapter 9

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I walked into the school, feeling agitated and antsy. I knew that it was because I had hurt Aquamarine's feelings, and I had not had the chance to apologize to her.

It didn't help that she and Brady had left after I got into the shower, and I had no idea where they were. I wasn't jealous that Brady was with her knowing that he wouldn't do anything with her.

He noticed another female who had not given him the time of day, and I knew that it was hurting him no matter what he said.

"Tyler!" a girl exclaimed, and I mentally groaned. A female with fake blonde hair and skin that looked like Doritos frantically waved at me as she made her way over to me. "Baby!"

I bit back a sigh of annoyance and turned away from her, not wanting to deal with this fake person. I wished that Brady was here because she normally stayed away when I was talking to him.

I scanned the throng of students trying to see if there was anyone that I could help and use as a distraction from her.

Thankfully, I found one with a girl struggling to hold her books in one hand and close her locker with another.

I moved towards her, mumbling an apology as I bumped into other students trying to get to class or their locker.

The girl, Salem, finally closed her locker but at the expense of one of her books falling. She tried to stop it from falling but couldn't, and I stopped it from falling.

"Here," I said, keeping the book that I had caught.  "Let me take those from you and walk you to class." I silently begged her to say fine, ignoring the frantic "baby" coming from that girl.

Salem hesitated and looked at her and then at me. "You are being called," she said, clutching her books to her chest. "By your girlfriend."

"Which is why I really need your help," I replied. "She won't leave me alone." I paused and shook my head. "And she is not my girlfriend. I can't handle something so..."

"Fake?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I was going to say unrealistic, but fake works," I replied. "So, can you help me?"

Salem hesitated again but nodded her head. "Here," she said, handing me her books. "What about yours, and aren't we going the wrong way?" she asked, following me as I started to walk towards a place I knew she wouldn't be able to get to.

"That's the way that Brittany is coming from," I called over my shoulder, "and I don't want to go that way."

"But, that is the way to class," Salem said, following me.

"I know a shortcut," I replied, leading the way.

"Of course you do," Salem muttered, and I looked at her. She scowled and narrowed her eyes. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," I replied. I stopped in front of a custodian closet and looked at her when she snorted. "I know what you are thinking, and I am not going to do that. My mother had taught me better." I shifted the books in my arms and knocked on the door.

"Then, why are we here?" Salem asked, watching as the door opened to reveal one of the workers.

"Because there is a way through here," the worker, Michael, said. He looked at Salem and then at me. "Brittany?" he asked, and I nodded. "And Brady is not here to protect you?"

I scowled. "He doesn't protect me from her, but he keeps her away," I replied.

Michael smirked. "So, basically protect you from her," he replied.

I bit back a sigh and shook my head, knowing that it was useless to argue with him. "Can we just go?" I asked. "I think I lost her, but I think she will try to find me."

Michael nodded his head and gestured for me to follow him in there. "Do you have the other key?"

"No," I replied. I followed him in there, and Salem followed us. I watched as he took two keys out of his pocket and fiddled with the secret door. "I'm at Brady's house. I... accidentally burnt my house down yesterday..."

Michael paused what he was doing and looked back at us. He narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously, and for some reason, I could tell that he wouldn't believe whatever story we all came up with. "And how did you do this?" he asked.

"I was trying to cook something, and then I got attracted to the water and went surfing."

"And where was your mother?"

"She went on a trip two days ago," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "I don't know when she will be back."

"Un huh," Michael replied, not believing me. He opened the door and gestured for us to walk into the tunnel that connects the two sides of the school. "And why didn't she take you?"

"Uh, school," I replied, following him when he started to walk towards the direction that I wanted to go. "And since I am the captain of the swim team, I have to be at school."

"And where did she go?"

"Visit her dad," I replied. "Apparently, I have a grandfather."

Salem snorted, and we looked at her. "How do you think she is alive?" she asked. "Of course, you have a grandfather. That's her dad."

"She never talked about him," I replied. "So, how was I supposed to know that I had one?"

Salem shrugged her shoulder. "You could have researched him. Just like your fa-"

"No," I said with such venom that it surprised even me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to curb my anger that happened anytime someone mentioned my father, or rather lack thereof. "I do not care about him," I replied coldly. I took another deep breath and tried to relax. "I'm sorry," I said, finally. "It's just a hard subject for me. He's never been there and..." I grimaced and shrugged.

Salem nodded her head. Her eyes had this thoughtful look in them, and I could see this sort of pain in them. "Understood," she replied.

And, I could tell that she did understand. I could tell that her father was also absent from her life, and she was trying her hardest not to let it bring her down. Whatever happened will happen, and it was something that we couldn't change no matter how we wanted it to.

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