Chapter 3

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As soon as the dude, Merrin, said that, there was a loud banging noise as something was slammed against the wall. The water lashed out at us, and I groaned in pain when it moved me the wrong way, and my back flared up again.

However, after what felt like hours but was probably minutes, the water calmed down enough to let Brady and Merrin stand, or float, normally. They both bowed to this unknown figure that I couldn't see, making me frown. "Your Majesty," they said, the fear more evident in Merrin's voice than Brady's.

Brady kept his hand on my shoulder, keeping me in one spot, no matter how hard I struggled to see who they were saying 'Your Majesty' to. His grip tightened on my shoulder, and I stopped squirming because I could tell how nervous he was in front of this person.

"Let him up," a commanding voice boomed, and Brady's grip tightened even more on my shoulder. "I want to see who you brought to my kingdom, without my knowledge." There was a glare in his voice, and I frowned because I did not like people talking to my friends like that.

Brady removed his hand from my shoulder and helped me up, making sure that I could actually sit up without any pain. He didn't give me a snarky response when I hissed in pain like he normally would if we had been in school or alone somewhere.

The male had the same sea blue eyes like my mother and me. His hair and beard were white as snow, showing me just how old he was. The male's eyes widen in surprise and shock as if he didn't know why he saw me. He clutched his trident tighter in his grip and looked over at Brady. "My daughter?" he asked, pain and grief in his voice.

"Captured, Your Majesty," Brady replied, bowing his head. "My team and I didn't get there in time. We're trying to track down a Witch or a Warlock to help us find whoever had taken Princess Celestine."

I frowned, confused as to what the fuck was going on here. First, I turned into a part fish, part mammal person, and then this King took one look at me and recognized me from somewhere, even though I didn't recognize him. Another thing he had stolen mine and my mother's eyes and called my mother by a different. "My mom's name is Celeste," I said, speaking for the first time. "I think you got the wrong person."

"Your mother's name is Celestine," the male said, looking at me. "I should know what my daughter's name is." He turned to look at Brady. "Make sure he gets checked out. I can tell that he is injured. Also, find my daughter."

Brady bowed. "Yes, Your Majesty," he said. He watched as my "grandfather" left the room and sighed a bit. He took a look at my scowling face and gave me a half grin. "He is a nice guy," he said. "Just needs to warm up to you a bit."

I bit back a scoff but rolled my eyes. "Nice guy, all right," I muttered sarcastically. "He just killed me with kindness."

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