Chapter 20

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The rest of the morning flew by until I was at school, getting stuff from my locker and then putting stuff back in if I didn't need it.

I moved a hand through my hair and sighed before I shook my head and took a step back, closing my locker door to reveal someone standing there with an impish grin on their face.

Startled, I flinched away from them and took a step back, my heart skipping a beat before it started to pound harder because I had no idea that anyone was there."Oh, shit," I said, not expecting someone there.

"Hi, Baby," the person cooed and took a step toward me, and I held back a flinch and took another step back.

Oh, shit... I thought, dreading this person. Why does this person have to be here?

"Oh, hi, Brittany," I said, taking another step back, making sure that I didn't run into anyone before I looked at her. "How are you?"

"I am good," she said, her voice squeaky, and I bit back a cringe. "I am glad that I am able to see you." She took another step toward me, and I took another step back before I shook my head.

Brittany frowned and narrowed her eyes while she scowled. "Why do you keep backing away from me? You don't have to do that, Tyler. We are meant to be together."

I shook my head and pursed my lips in disgust before I wrinkled my nose. "No, we are not, Brittany," I said. "We are not meant to be together, and I am backing away because I am not comfortable being near you." I took another step back and twisted to the left so that I wouldn't run into the lockers on the other side.

"Why not?" she asked while she raised an eyebrow in question. She narrowed her eyes and scowled while she took another step toward me. "You are popular, and I am popular, a-"

"And you are crazy," someone said from behind me, and I breathed a sigh of relief while my shoulders sagged in relief.

Oh, thank Gods, I thought and looked behind me to see that it was Blayke.

Brittany scoffed and rolled her eyes before she scowled and narrowed her eyes at Blayke. "Oh, look," she sneered while she pursed her lips in disgust. "It's Blakley. How are you?"

"First off, it is Blayke," she said while she scowled and narrowed her eyes, "not Blakley. Secondly, I am doing horrible because I have to see your ugly face talking to my friend."

Brittany gasped and raised her hand over her mouth, and I bit back a small snort. "Uh, what did you say?" she asked, and Blayke slowly blinked and bit back a small smirk. "How dare you."

"Did you want me to repeat the whole thing or the part that I said I was doing horrible because I have to see your ugly face talking to my friend?" she asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

Again, Brittany gasped in shock before she narrowed her eyes and scowled. She didn't say a word but looked at me, and I had a feeling that she wanted me to say something and to "defend" her honor.

I didn't say a word and gave her an apologetic smile before I shrugged and grimaced, silently indicating that I didn't want to partake in this fight, and Brittany scowled and narrowed her eyes further.

"Really?" she asked, and I raised an eyebrow in question. "Is this how you are going to play it, Tyle? I thought you were my friend."

I bit back an annoyed sigh and shook my head. "We are not friends, Brittany," I said, and Blayke snorted while Brittany gasped in shock. "I am kind to just about anyone, but that doesn't mean they are my friends."


"I am sorry, but no," I said and shook my head, interrupting her. "You are not my friend. You do not have the right attitude or personality that I want to associate myself with."

"Uh, ex-cuse me?" Brittany asked, and her eyes grew wide as if she was shocked that I would say such a thing. "What did you say? Did you just say that?"

"I did," I confirmed while nodding in confirmation. I cleared my throat and shifted my books a little. "You are not my friend. You do not have the right attitude or personality that I want to associate myself with."


"That means that you can leave him alone," Blayke said and smiled sweetly. "So, why don't you go ahead and leave us alone?" She raised an eyebrow in question, and Brittany scowled and narrowed her eyes.

"You are all freaks," she said before she looked at me, and I raised an eyebrow in question. "Your mother would be very disappointed in you for treating me like this."

I slowly blinked before I looked at Blayke and then looked at Brittany again. "How would she be very disappointed in me?" I asked. "I am still treating you with respect and such, which she would respect and be proud of."

"Why?" she asked. "You are disrespecting m-"

"Ok, we have to get to class," Blayke said, interrupting her. "And we also have to find Brady, which reminds me..." She looked at me and raised an eyebrow in question. "Where is he? I thought he'd be protecting your butt and looking after it."

I shrugged and grimaced, holding back an eye roll. "His dad needed him for something," I said. "I don't know what he wanted, but that's where he is."

Blayke slowly nodded, and a look of worry flashed through her eyes. "Do you think..." She trailed off before she cleared her throat and shifted on her feet.

Do you think they know?

I gave her a weird look but also felt nervous, praying that they didn't suspect Brady and I for leaving last night, especially when we knew that we couldn't.

Blayke pursed her lips in annoyance before she slowly nodded. "Well, then I guess we can't worry about that," she said. She turned her gaze to Brittany and smiled, even though we both knew that it was fake. "So, I do have to say goodbye, and let's go."

She grabbed my arm and started to pull me away from my locker and Brittany, and Brittany gasped in shock.

"Uh e-"

"No," Blayke said, interrupting her. "You do not need to say another word." She smiled and waved, not looking back at her. "We are gone and ending this argument or whatever you want to call it. Bye." She gave her the peace symbol and sped up, and I had to pick up my pace a bit so that I wouldn't have my arm pulled out of its socket

Brittany didn't say another word while we walked away, and she stared at us with an open mouth filled with shock and amazement.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and my whole body slightly relaxed while we walked away from her, grateful that she didn't try to say something else to me for now because I didn't want to continue to talk to her.

Thank Gods...

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