Chapter 24

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Brady breathed a small sigh of relief when he saw me walk toward him with Aquamarine by my side, the worry on his face disappearing and changing to a look of relief. "Oh, thank Neptune," he said and stuffed his phone into his pocket after he hung up from calling someone and walked the rest of the way over to me. "Are you ok? Where have you been? You're late."

"Well, I have been talking with Aquamarine about stuff," I said and gestured to her, and Brady looked at her before he looked at me again. I furrowed my brows and cocked my head, feeling slightly amused and annoyed when a thought crossed my mind. "Were you trying to call me?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

Brady nodded and slowly blinked, unamused. He cleared his throat and shifted on his feet while he studied me. "Yes... why weren't you answering your phone when I called you?" he asked before he furrowed his brows and cocked his head, studying me with a confused look on his face. "You normally do i-"

"Well, maybe because I don't have a phone on me?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question, interrupting him, and he kept his mouth open before he slowly closed it. "Didn't we have this conversation before today, Brady?"

Brady blinked and blinked again while he stared at me with a blank look on his face. He didn't say a word while he continued to look at me before he looked at Aquamarine, and my Chosen shrugged and grimaced without saying a word.

I bit back an annoyed sigh before I shook my head, moving a hand through my hair and across my face, feeling very annoyed but also very tired, for some reason. "Seriously, Brady?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question while I studied him. "Did you actually forget that I don't have a phone any longer?"

Brady pressed his lips into a thin line before he looked between the two of us some more. He didn't say a word before he looked at me again, and realization dawned in his eyes while his cheeks turned red. "Fuck," he said and smacked his forehead before he moved a hand across his face. "Oops. Sorry, Man. I forgot."

I held back an eye roll and bit back a small snort. "I know," I said before I cleared my throat and shifted on my feet, growing serious. "We're going to have to get me a new one and fast so that we can contact each other."

"And also my parents," Brady said, and I nodded in agreement. He cleared his throat and grew serious while he shifted on his feet some more. "Come on, let's go ahead and get to practice after you get everything taken care of with your locker. Why are you so late, anyway?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

I bit back an annoyed sigh and slowly nodded while I did what I was told to do and went to my locker to change everything out and keep what I was needing for the night. "Well, we were talking about what was going on between us..." I said and nodded toward Aquamarine before I looked at him again.

"Oh?" Brady asked and raised an eyebrow in question while he looked between the two of us. Amusement and question filled his eyes while he stared at us, and I couldn't help but notice the little worry in his eyes, even though the amusement was stronger. "And..?"

"And... what?" I asked and raised an eyebrow in question. I closed my locker and bit back an annoyed sigh before I cleared my throat and shook my head while I looked at him. "What do you mean? What are you getting at, Brady?"

"Is everything ok between the two of you?" he asked and looked between the two of us before he looked at me. "Are you ok?"

I hesitated before I looked at Aquamarine, not saying a word. I didn't know what to tell him because I had no idea if we were ok, even though I hoped that we were and that we were going to work through this together.

"We are ok," Aquamarine said with a small sigh in her voice before she cleared her throat and shifted on her feet. She walked over to me when I walked away from my locker, looking at Brady. "We'll be ok."

"Does that mean you are going to stop being a bitch and think that he is going to do stuff that would "hurt" you?" Brady asked and raised an eyebrow in question. He ignored the small hiss that I sent his way and pressed his lips into a thin line while he stared at my Chosen. "You are his Chosen for a reason, Aquamarine," he said, his voice barely above a whisper when he said the last part.

Aquamarine bit back a small sigh before she slowly nodded. "I know," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She cleared her throat again while she shifted on her feet. "And I am feeling guilty about it and have felt guilty about it."

"Mmmmhmm, sure," Brady said while he held back an eye roll, and I could tell that he didn't believe her. He scowled and narrowed his eyes while he folded his arms across his chest and tucked his head closer to his chest. "And wh-"

"Brady," I said, interrupting him, and he kept his mouth open while he looked at me. I narrowed my eyes and scowled while I stared at him. "Stop."

Brady bit back an annoyed sigh before he closed his mouth and slowly nodded. "Fine," he said before he cleared his throat and shifted on his feet. "Now, let's go ahead and get to swim practice before others get worried about us." He sent me a knowing look, and I held back an eye roll while I scowled and pressed my lips into a thin line.

"Very funny, Brady," I said and started to walk toward the pool with them following me, and Aquamarine went to my side and hesitantly took my hand in hers. I looked at her and offered her a tight smile and squeezed it reassuringly before I looked at Brady, who was looking at us with something in his eyes that I couldn't quite understand.

"Very funny indeed."

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