Chapter 19

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The next morning came early, and I bit back a small groan of annoyance when my alarm went off with a little beep, beep, beep.

Damn it, I thought and closed my eyes again, ignoring my alarm while I turned away from it. I covered my face with my covers and buried my face into my pillow while I waited for the beeping to stop.

Beep, beep, beep, the alarm sounded some more before it paused, and I breathed a sigh of relief and slowly relaxed.

Thank the Gods, I thought while I closed my eyes tighter and fell back asleep for a small bit. I don't want to go to school...

There was a knock on my door, and I bit back a small groan in annoyance while I closed my eyes further and didn't respond, digging deeper into my covers and cocooning myself in the blankets, praying that they would go away.

Again, there was another knock on my door before the person opened the door without me saying something. "Ty?" the person asked hesitantly, and I opened my eyes and sat up quickly before I looked toward the door, even though I couldn't see the person because of the stairs.


"Are you awake?"

"Now, I am," I said before I cleared my throat and stood while I walked over to the stairs. "You can come down, Aquamarine. What is it? Are you ok?"

Aquamarine didn't say a word and walked down the stairs. She pressed her lips into a thin line when she stopped at the bottom and then looked at me, and her eyes grew wide. "Oh," she said, and her cheeks went red when she saw that I was half naked. "Hi..."

My cheeks turned red, and I cleared my throat and shifted on my feet. "Sorry, sorry," I said. "I will get a shirt." I turned away from my Chosen and walked over to where I had a random shirt lying on a chair. "I didn't realize you were coming here."

Aquamarine shook her head, and her cheeks were red. "I didn't realize that I was either," she said before she cleared her throat and shifted on her feet. She looked at her feet, and her cheeks grew a different shade of red. "I just wanted to check in on you."

I paused and looked at her through narrowed eyes, stunned that she wanted to check up on me because the last "conversation" we had, she was mad at me for wanting to make sure that Blayke got home safely. "What?" I asked. "What did you say?"

Aquamarine sighed and moved a hand through her hair. She shook her head and cleared her throat while she pressed her lips into a thin line. Her cheeks turned a deeper red, and she looked away from me. "I wanted to check in on you," she said again before she cleared her throat again and shifted on her feet.

"Why?" I asked while I cocked my head and studied her with furrowed brows. "Why were you wanting to check in on me?"

She shrugged, and her whole face turned red and not just her cheeks. "Can you put on your shirt?" she asked, not answering my question. "Please?"

I bit back a small sigh before I slowly nodded and did what I was told to do and put on my shirt. I didn't say a word while I did so before I cleared my throat and turned to look at her again when I was done. "Would you like to sit?" I asked and gestured to the chair.

She hesitated before she nodded and did what I asked and sat down on the seat, and I walked over to the edge of my bed and I sat down too.

I cleared my throat and shifted on my bed, feeling nervous for some reason. "I am glad that you are here," I said absentmindedly, and she looked at me with furrowed brows and a cocked head.

"Why?" she asked, and my cheeks turned red while I looked down and shrugged because I didn't know I said that. "Why are you glad that I am here?"

I cleared my throat and shifted on my bed again before I sighed and moved a hand across the back of my neck, feeling a little sheepish. "I don't know," I admitted before I cleared my throat again. "I just am, and I am not sure if it is because of the bond that we are supposed to share or something else."

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