Chapter 10

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"See? I told you that he would be coming through here," the all too familiar voice of Brady said when Salem, Michael, and I walked out of the passageway. "What did I tell you? Though, I didn't expect Salem. Hello, Salem." Brady and Aquamarine were waiting for us on the other side of the door. He was holding my stuff and his, probably already having gone to our locker.

Salem scowled and narrowed her eyes at him. "Your friend kidnapped me and took my books," she said, giving me an annoyed look. She looked at Brady and folded her arms across her chest. "Apologize."

I bit back a snort, ignoring the jealous look that Aquamarine sent my way. I knew that I would have to apologize for my behavior this morning and hoped that she would forgive me.

"Well, I am sorry that my friend had kidnapped you and took away your books," Brady said. He looked a little jealous too, and I couldn't help but wonder if Salem was his Chosen. He looked at me. "Brittany or Bethany?" he asked.

"Does it matter?" I asked. "I can not stand either of them."

"Who?" Aquamarine asked, furrowing her brows.

"Twins who think that they "own" me," I replied, coldly. "I am not a fan of them."

"More like he is scared of them," Salem said, and I scowled at her. She smiled innocently. "If you weren't, then you would have just walked by them."

"Yes, and have them try to kiss me and cling on me like monkeys. I am not going to do that."

"If you punch them right in their nose..." Brady began, and I shook my head, no.

"Mom would skin me alive and wear my face as a mask if I hit a lady without reason," I replied. "I don't know about you, but I like my face on my body."

"That... wouldn't be too bad, to have your face removed," Aquamarine said. "And, to have it on your mother's body."

My heart stung when she said that, but I made sure that I had my feelings masked. "Why?" I asked.

Aquamarine shrugged her shoulder. She didn't reply, but I could tell that she was still jealous of me being "alone" with Salem.

"We should get to class," Salem said, feeling the mood change a bit. She looked at Michael. "It was... nice meeting you."

Michael smiled and nodded his head. "It was nice meeting you, too." He looked at me. "I will ask Julia to get you a new key. Just don't lose it this time," he warned. "I won't be able to get you a new one if you do."

I pursed my lips and scowled. "I didn't lose it. It melted," I replied. "But thank you."

Michael nodded his head. "Get to class, the four of you, and welcome back to another week in hell." He smirked at me, and I scowled. "I hope that you graduate this year. I don't want to see you again."

I rolled my eyes. "Very funny," I said dryly. I nodded my head and cleared my throat. "Alright, let's get to class and get away from his ugly face." I looked at Salem and smirked. "And no, I am not going to give you your books back to you. I'll give you them when we get to class."

Salem huffed but nodded her head. "Fine," she muttered. She looked at Brady. "You owe me."

Brady smirked. "Just say the word, and I will give you everything that you ever needed or wanted."

"Highly doubtful."

Brady winced and placed a hand over his heart. There was a look over his face as if he didn't expect that answer from her. He looked hurt, and I still had a feeling that she was his Chosen. "You wound me, Salem. You wound me."


I walked into class, followed by the other three. I set Salem's stuff on her desk and went to mine, which had Aquamare occupying the other seat that had been empty. "I guess we are partners," I said, placing my bag on the table.

"Gross," Aquamarine said, and my heart broke. She didn't look at me, but I could tell that she was hurting as well.

I sighed and moved a hand through my hair. "Look..." I said softly. "I want to apologize for this morning..."

"No, don't. I don't care."

"Yes, you do," I replied, knowing full well that she did. "And don't lie."

Aquamarine sighed and finally looked up at me. She forced a smile on her face, and I scowled. "Yes, I do care. I don't know why they put me with you."

I set my jaw and took a deep breath, trying to curb the sudden anger I felt. "Can you at least get to know me first?" I asked, my voice having the anger that I was so desperately trying to hide. "I want to get to know you and everything. I don't want to make assumptions about you or have you make assumptions about me. It is just not fair."

Aquamarine hesitated but nodded. "Ok," she said. "But you have one chance. Don't screw it up."

I held back an eye roll. I had no idea why she was making me have one chance when she was the one acting rotten, but I would play along for now. "Of course," I said, nodding my head. "But, I hope that you will let me explain my actions before you get mad."

Aquamarine scowled and narrowed her eyes. "Fine."

I smiled and held my hand. "Hi," I said. "I'm Tyler, but I like to go by Ty. It's nice to meet you..." I raised an eyebrow when she snorted and rolled her eyebrows.

She placed her hand in mine, the bond making our hands warm and connecting us more together. "Aquamarine," she said, finally, shaking my hand. "My name is Aquamarine."

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