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Tyler, Ty, Seas born and raised as a human with no knowledge of his fishy ancestors or the threats that come with it. At the age of eighteen and about to graduate high school, Tyler cared only about three things, his mother, the ocean and swimming. Being the captain of his swim team has its perks, but he was never into the whole "dating" thing when his heart belonged to the ocean and everything in it.

When his mother gets kidnapped, however, his whole life changes, and he is thrust into a world that he never knew with people, that he thought he knew, had secrets of their own. Secrets that he must navigate as well as keep, for unlike some of the other members on his swim team, there is a reason as to why he is fast and why he is wanted by someone that had never been a part of his life before.

For, he was the grandson of Neptune and the son of an evil warlock that wanted to take control of the ocean from its rightful heir. If Ty failed and gets captured, then all is lost for the ocean that he loved so dearly and would give his life up for it.

Will he survive? Or will all hope die with him?

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