1. With You

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You hummed silently to yourself while looking out of the school window. You were bored out of your mind as your teacher continued rambling on about his lesson.

"Psstt, (y/n)."  You felt someone tugging on your uniform. Curious, you turned your head and your eyes met with warm violet ones.

"Oh! Hi Ray!" You smiled at him and he latched onto your arm with an adorable smile of his own. Although you two didn't know each other for very long, it felt as though you and Ray clicked the minute Yuma inadvertently introduced you two. Since then you both would frequently spend time together and grew very close. And at that point it was pretty obvious that you had begun to grow a crush on the redhead. But you never had the courage to tell him, you always told yourself you were simply waiting for the right time. Except...

that time never came.


You fell onto your knees as the horrible truth finally came out. Vector was pretending to be Ray the entire time. Ray.....never even existed. The weight of it all was just too much for you to handle and your knees gave out. On-board the ship, Yuma's friends looked on and were equally as shocked as you. And now, you were all forced to bare witness to a similarly betrayed Yuma dueling the traitorous Barian himself.

"W-why...." You choked out. "Ray, please tell me this isn't true." You mumbled, tears now forming at the corner of your eyes. Down below, Vector looked towards the ship, as if he had heard you, and simply laughed like a madman. He seemed to stare directly through the screen you were watching and into your teary (e/c) eyes.  And in that deep, mocking voice he said,

"I'm so sorry (y/n)-chan, but this is the real me~" He mimicked Ray's voice as the words came out of his mouth. All you could do was sob harder.


After the horrible revelation and even more surprising twists, the duel continued and ended with Yuma's victory. Vector simply rose to his feet afterwards and cursed that he would have his revenge one day before he disappeared into a portal. By that time you had finally calmed yourself down and supported your friend until the very end.

After he boarded the ship, you all returned home safely--but not without a flurry of thoughts clouding your minds. And the one thing that currently occupied your mind was none other than Vector. You desperately wanted to talk to Yuma about everything that happened but noticed that he was still shaken by the entire ordeal himself. So you kept quiet instead and helped the others calm down. Everyone really needed a break after all that, especially Yuma and Astral.

So for the next few days, you tried to get the prior events and twisted Barian out of your head yourself. But it proved to be a lot more challenging than you initially thought. Of course it'd be. After all, you knew you couldn't just throw away the strong feelings you had developed for Ray. It honestly felt wrong to harbor such feelings for a fake persona. Nevermind that that person's true identity was Vector of all people. But your mind would frequently remind you of all the time you two spent together.

"Ugh, what's wrong with me!" You hit yourself on the head while pacing back and forth in your home.

"There's no way I can still have feelings for that--that monster! After all he did I should hate him!" Your breathing became uneven. 'I should hate him, shouldn't I?' This inner conflict kept eating at you, and it wasn't until you mother called you for dinner that you finally snapped out of it. You decided to stop rambling for the day and went to eat.

You were completely unaware of a certain pair of violet eyes watching your every move.

In the kitchen, your mother was quick to ask you about your recent behavior.

"Are you sure you're alright (y/n)?" There was a hint of concern in her voice.

"Yes, I'm fine mom, really."

You sat by the table and she simply looked at you with her eyebrow raised.

"Hm, alright then," She served you your plate of food and you immediately began eating. "Oh! And I couldn't help but notice that you stopped bringing your little friend over." You nearly choked on your food. She was talking about Ray.

"Oh, him. Well, he had some family business to attend to and had to leave......for a while." Before your mother could ask anything else, you quickly stood up and took your plate to the sink. You faked a yawn while you did so.

"Geez I'm tired mom, I think I'll go to bed early." You hurried off to your room and shut the door, leaving your mother standing there, mildly confused over your actions.

"Oh, well goodnight sweetheart!"

Inside your room you jumped onto your bed and pulled the covers over yourself. 'Dammit, why does he always seem to invade my thoughts!' You straightened yourself out and tried to get comfortable.

You sighed. "Don't worry (y/n), you'll get over him soon enough," you mumbled to yourself.

As you looked up at the ceiling, you slowly began to close your eyes, pure exhaustion now taking hold. You nearly fell asleep until you heard low chucking at your side.

"Oh (y/n)-chan, you can't forget me that easily."

Your eyes shot open and you tried to jump to your feet.....but it was too late.

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