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When Shang Qinghua awoke, he was immediately filled with a sense of dread. The first thing he saw was Mobei Jun sitting on the edge of the bed, his face buried in his palms. He had already gotten dressed.

The brunette's skin crawled as he thought of the possibility of his lover being mad at him. He should have been more considerate of yesterday's situation because he was sure to regret it. But that didn't stop him. He never stops to think and he hated that.

Shang Qinghua was so caught up in his self-punishing thoughts that he didn't notice Mobei Jun looking at him. His gaze was pained and hesitant as he himself felt he had done something wrong.

"Good morning." Was what he opted on saying.

This got the smaller man's attention.

"G-good morning." He stuttered, caught off guard at his king's words.

"Are you alright? Does anything hurt?" Mobei Jun was filled with worry, he would never forgive himself for his imprudence had he done something to hurt his lover.

The cultivator on the other hand was relieved that he wasn't mad or disappointed.

"I'm just a bit sore but that's nothing unusual." Especially if you take Shen Yuan as an example. Mobei-Jun's eyes widened; they were so full of guilt that it made Shang Qinghua feel guilty.

"Does that mean...we..." went all the way, was what he had wanted to say but the words caught in his throat. How could he do this? His lover had probably felt pressured into sleeping with him and it was all because of his carelessness while out on a mission. What if Shang Qinghua began resenting him for it? What would he do if the only thing that brought light into his dark life decided to leave him?

Seeing his king's distress, Shang Qinghua reached out a hand to cup his lover's face.

"We did, but I wouldn't trade it for the world." He said secretly hoping Mobei Jun would someday feel the same. He pecked his lover's nose, gently caressing his cheek.

"Shang Qinghua..." He didn't know what to say, his ears were flushed at how comfortable the brunette had grown around him. It made him happy, so he was left conflicted between his glee and disappointment.

"You don't hate it, do you?" Shang Qinghua asked hesitantly.

For fear of saddening his love, he immediately shook his head. That was the truth of the matter, although he didn't remember much, he felt relieved when the cultivator had confirmed his suspicion. He could never hate being close to Shang Qinghua.

"I didn't force myself on you... did I?"

The way Shang Qinghua's eyes widened with indignance as if he had just told him the sky was brown calmed the his worried mind.

"Of course not! I made a choice, I wanted this. If anything I'm the one who forced myself on you.

Mobei Jun strongly doubted Shang Qinghua could ever do such a thing had he, Demon Lord of the North, also wanted it. He picked the small man and sat him on his lap, his arms wrapping around his frail body. He sometimes wondered how someone so delicate could ever become a peak lord. He did not mean to slander him in any way. He would never, well, not seriously at least. Shang Qinghua's expression failed to hide his obvious surprise at the gesture but quickly snuggled into his boyfriend's broad chest. 

"As long as you're fine."

Shang Qinghua blushed at his words. It was nice, having someone to care for, who equally cared for you. It was a comfort he hadn't had in a long time. If not ever. 

 If it weren't for both of their duties, they would have likely stayed there much longer, alas, being a demon lord had come with many non-negligible paperwork that could possibly end up in warfare were they not taken care of quickly. 

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