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As a student,
as a role of a student,
Exams are not needed for the future but now it is to show an attitude of being hardworking and deserving for the very most awaiting season every year, SUMMER.

My studies are somewhat boring. The rebellious stage of a teenage smarty pants. There's nothing to do at all. I decided to focus somewhere else; like my problems. Actually, when I think about it, I have less problems. My family is fixed but there's this one more problem. I don't know how to get my friend back. Well that friend of mine would be smarty shirt. Such a weird name for a character in real life.

Tonight, it's just me and phone. Nothing to do at all. I'd rather sleep or do something else than to suffer studying. Staring at pages for 6 hours and I'd rather go to Disney Land. It's for kids but it's worth it to go to than to stay at home, reading the things that is not even needed in the future.

Some are needed, some are not. But it's to pass the well known lectures within generations to generations. This world is been living since the cave man time.

SPORTS! Way better. Basketball!
That feeling when you scored with a perfect shot. Nowadays, I can't shoot. I just lost it at some way that I didn't notice. I want to play again. But there's something missing. I got the ball, the net, the court, everything except one thing. And I hope, I'll be able to bring 'it' back. I can't play without the highest priority.

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