Day 3

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Today is the 3rd day as I thought.
I can't get him out of my mind. He was the best trouble maker that I have ever met. Seriously, he's all I could think of.

It's almost 12. Lunch is coming. I was thinking of making him lunch. That was the most shocking thing that I have ever thought of. But it's also the best way for him not to waste his money.

When I left the building, I took the bus that would lead me to our meeting place. It takes 30 minutes to go there and when I reached the bus stop, I saw him buying random stuff again. I started to walk faster and faster. I went inside and he actually bought a lot of stuff.

"What are you buying? AGAIN?"

"Oh, this? I was told to buy these stuff. I'll bring it home later."--

"Why not now?"

"Because you're here. If you come with me, you'll know my name. I don't want my house to tell you my name. I'd prefer myself saying my name."--

"That's a lot of words, so, I'll just agree. You better say who you are."

"You already know who I am. Just not my name."--

"Ugh. But can I ask some random stuff about you?"

"Sure. Just let me leave these stuff to the counter first."--

I started to walk around for a moment while he's doing his own doings. I got bored easily and went back outside. He was also finished with what he was doing earlier.

"Let's sit down there."--


"What do you want to know?"--

"Everything. Your life from the start, as in like everything."

"Oh. Okay then. I'm 14. My birthday is during October 7th, my blood type is red. It's 'A'! I mean. I like sweets and the highest priority of food is, pasta! I like to drink refreshments that has jelly. I like people that jokes around but sometimes serious about what they want to do. My parents are divorced and my father is not found, we don't even know where he is or what happened. My mother is at home, looking for a job and a next place where we could move in. We don't stay in one place often. And that's the reason why I can't tell you my name because I don't know what might happen if one day, I disappear."--

"Don't worry. I'll wait. Continue."

"I have graduated high school but college was something my mom can't handle. A 14 year old, huh? I'm so lucky, I'm done with high school. TRIGONOMETRY in 9TH GRADE IS, pretty much easy. Ahaha. I do agree that it's unfair for my age but I was escalated to grade 2 when I was 7years old. I'm turning 15 after 4 more months! I like the colour red and green. Gemstone green. And also blue. I want to be a photographer to display a museum full of wonderful places or a doctor to help those who are in need. I'm half Canadian and half filipino but more on Canadian. Sorry."--

"Where did you use to live?"

"I used to live in Canada at first, second in Japan, third in China, fourth in America, fifth in the Philippines, lastly here. I don't know where we are headed next. I graduated a year ago and after that, I still haven't enrolled to any college. Yeah, I admit that it's too early at my age but I want to get in as possible so I could get a stabled job in the future and maybe one day, I'll visit you, if I could still find you."--

"Um, can you tell me about your high school life?"

"Sure. I had a lot of best friends when I was in 7th grade in Japan, but I can't remember who they were. It was really fun! The trees are amazing and the restaurants were also stunning! It's full of kind people and they are so white! In China and in America , I was bullied a lot because of my Asian complexion and about my age. Yeah, China is part of Asia but the reason is because I'm not Chinese. America, I was pissed because they keep on looking down on me. I was always ranked first, so yeah, they'd pull me down and I worked harder for myself and for my mom, excluding my dad. And for philippines, I can say,'well done' for its improvement. Their teachings were praised but I didn't make any friends. I was robbed twice and got hurt. I dated two girls but the first one only lasted for 6 months, and for the second one, she was actually cheating on me for 4 months and her OWN boyfriend was the one who robbed me after I broke up with her. My house was also robbed. We lived in Manila that's why. My mom was out of ideas. We kept moving and moving and moving. Our dad already abandoned us but we have no time for him. And it hit me. This place was one of my ideas. I checked its system, and it's pretty tight. No one can rob you, no one can hurt you, nothing to worry. But I might move again sooner or later. Right now, my mom is at home but she left me a list full of things that I just bought earlier. She had been through a lot more than me but I'll be there for her when she's in pain."--

"Why were you crying when I first saw you?"

"That is. It's because that day was my first day living here and I was so tired about moving and stuff. I fought with my mom that day and I told her to stop."--

"You shouldn't have fought with her."

"I know."--

"What else?"

"Um, middle school! On my second grade, I was freakin lazy! I was stupid and there was this girl I liked. She was smart, funny, and talented but, she died when she had a car crash. I was traumatised because she's not just the girl I liked but she's also the girl that I became friends with. Right from the start. On third grade, I realized that there's nothing left and no time. I decided to work up things at school as always. I also made a lot of friends but we were all separated on the next level. The fourth grade, I don't know if I could remember. But I loved drawing people, nature, places, anything that I find attractive. I liked swimming but I kept drowning. I liked chess and it was fun. And I loved playing violin though it would make people cry, especially the atmosphere. joke. I was told that I should continue for a live performance one day. An old guy broke my violin and not even once thought of buying one again. That violin was from my mom when she was young. For my fifth grade, everything was easy but lonely. I didn't make any memorable moments so yeah, nothing. And for my sixth grade, my house was burned and I was expelled because rumours began to spread about ME, burning my OWN house. I was totally shocked when they fell for that kind of rumour and that's the time where we came to Japan. Japan was the very first country that my mom ever liked. So we went there."--

"Wow. A LOT. A LOT MORE. I'm sorry."

"Nah! That's fine. It's the past anyway. Well how about you? May I know who you are?"--

"I'm a 12 year old girl, just finished from fifth grade. I like a boy who is still working hard no matter what happened to him. I like those people like you. Funny, like you. Caring, like you. I was born here. And I was bullied a lot when I was younger because I was fat and stupid. I didn't pay much attention around me because nothing was motivating me to actually look at them. I have this teacher who keeps an eye on me. When I have problems, he would by and ask what's wrong. I intended to smile and joke more than to show how deeply in pain I was. My pain is not comparable to yours because I CANT do the things you CAN do. That's how things were up until now. Nothing changed. My dad doesn't live with me but my mom does. They are divorced but whatever happens, I hope that they could still be happy. I like red, green, black and white. Red because it's attractive. Green because it's the colour of nature. Black because I find it cool. Lastly, white because I find it clean. Unlike you, I can swim. No offence, okay, Sorry. My bad. I like basketball, also chess and badminton. I would like to go to Paris again. It was beautiful, it was relaxing, it was romantic, it was cold. It's cold because when I came home with dad, it was decided that they would go on separate ways but they would still be friends. Which is my parents. Now, I have a step-dad but he's cool. I'm the type of person who is scared to lose someone. So please, I hope, you wouldn't become those people who I might lose."

"Don't worry. I'll be here."--

After that, we talked some more. We walked around the park because we didn't have time anymore. I saw many things inside him. His pain and the way he was able to accept it and become stronger were the things that I would like to do someday, that I would like to achieve.

When it was already time, I said,"bye" and he also did. As I walked home, I cried. I cried for him. I was feeling sorry but I shouldn't because if I do, it's like, I'm treating him in a small way. But I wanted to be there for him. I wanted to be his friend that he would need. A friend who would comfort him. A friend who would care for him.

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