Chapter 5

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"It's been a while since I've been here..." Aderi looked out her carriage window as she looked out at the Lacita's manor which was getting closer by the second.

Once her carriage arrives at the front door, her carriage door is opened by Luke.

"Welcome, m'lady" Luke greeted with his usual warm smile as he offered his hand for Aderi to use as support to get out of the carriage.

"It's been a while, sir Luke" Aderi greeted back with a smile as she took Luke's hand as a support to use to get down from the carriage.

"The duchess and duke are waiting in the garden, shall I lead the way?" Luke questioned, Aderi nodded.

"Please do" Aderi responded, Luke bowed as he started walking, and Aderi followed from behind.

soon enough they reached the garden, her grandparents greeted her with a smile and a hug.

"I'm so glad you are alright, how have you been?" Her grandmother said while hugging her tightly.

"I should be the one asking you that, grandma...after all, new information about my mother's death surfaced" Aderi hugged her grandmother back.

"I'm fine Aderi...I just hope that Leni will be brought to justice" her grandmother responded breaking the hug.

"I feel the same way" Her grandfather agreed with his wife.

"Now...shall we eat? I want to catch up with you" Her grandmother gestured at the dining table in the garden. Aderi smiled and nodded.


"So...we've heard that house Stefan sent a marriage proposal, no?" Her grandfather questioned, this question broke the friendly chit-chat that they had going on.

"Ah...yes" Aderi responded as she stopped what she was doing.

"You and Lucas are close...maybe he is a good marriage partner...on the other hand, Marquess Stefan is a different story" Her grandmother spoke, she placed her utensils down.

"What do you mean?" Aderi asked confused.

"You see...Marquess Stefan is all about title and power, I assume it's Marquess Stefan who sent the marriage proposal...although it would be a different story if Lucas were the one who sent that letter" Her grandmother continued, Aderi looked down at her plate.

she then remembered Lucas's confession to her, she frowned at the situation.

"Are you okay?" Her grandmother called out to Aderi noticing her frown.  Both her grandfather and grandmother are now looking at her.

"Y-yes, I'm fine" Aderi responded as she flashed a smile. Her grandparents looked at each other before nodding.

"Focus Aderi..." Aderi thought to herself as she picked up her utensils again.

"I know things have been rough lately, how about a vacation?" Her grandfather asked with a smile on his face.

"A vacation?" Aderi asked with curiosity in her eyes.

" and your grandmother are gonna go on a business trip to Bisoplain, and we were wondering if you'd like to come with us," said her grandfather before taking another bite of his food.

"I-i see...but I don't think I can leave my father at the moment" Aderi responded with a slight smile.

"We already talked to the duke, the duke is okay with you leaving, also need to take care of your well-being, not just the people around you, it's okay to be selfish" Her grandmother responded with a warm smile. Aderi looked down again, she felt guilty since all this time she was just thinking of herself, thinking about how to survive.

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