Chapter 6

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The night before Aderi's departure for Bisoplain arrived.

She sat on her chair next to the balcony door while reading a book like always, unlike in her original world this is her only form of entertainment along with embroidery and painting.

A faint knock can be heard from the glass balcony door. The sound caught her attention, looking at the glass door a cloaked figure could be seen standing there.

She smiled as she sat up from her chair, she knew this figure a little all too well even if his face was hidden.

"Caelias, what are you doing here?" Aderi inquired as soon as she opened the door balcony door, the cold air from outside filled the room.

"I'm here to say'll be going on vacation, right?" Caelias responded as he took off the hood of his cloak, a small smile could be seen on his face.

"Jake told you I assume?" Aderi questioned in a playful tone.

"Yes," Caelias confirmed as he nodded.

"I presume you abandoned your work then?" Aderi raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms, A chuckle can be heard from Caelias.

"Let me guess, Jake told you?" Caelias responded with a playful tone as well.

"Yes," Aderi nodded.

"But, you shouldn't abandon your work Cael..." Aderi shook her head in disapproval.

"I know, but let it slide this time, will you, m'lady?" Caelias asked in a soft pleading tone as he took Aderi's hand in his.

"Your charms won't work on me mister...the future of this kingdom lies upon you, I'm afraid for the future of our beloved kingdom when their future king abandons his work like it's nothing" Aderi let out a sigh, attempting to not let out her laugh that is threatening to escape.

"Always so professional, that's so you, m'lady" Caelias let out a soft chuckle as he rubbed his thumb to Aderi's palm.

"Why don't you become my queen, to balance this crown prince's neglectful personality? I could truly use your reminder to work hard for the empire" Caelias looked into her eyes as he slowly placed a kiss on the top of her hand.

"I have no interest in politics, Your Highness" Aderi let out a soft chuckle, unable to contain her laughter anymore.

"Politics is just a small part of that role, your main role is to rule my heart, m'lady" Caelias smiled as he guided her hand to where his heart is.

"This heart beats only for you, Aderi" Caelias whispered with a loving smile on his lips.

"Oh? Is this a proposal?" Aderi questioned in a teasing tone, Caelias chuckled.

"Maybe...but I too know it won't be easy to just ask for your hand like that m'lady" He responded as he intertwined their hands together.

"I need to prove my love to you, right? As well as getting your father's approval...I may be the crown prince but I can't have everything I want" He placed another kiss on the top of her hand.

"But don't get me wrong, even if I don't have the power, I'll fight for you till the end, even if it means following you in the afterlife" With his sweet smile Aderi fell silent.

'knowing the story through the real Aderi...I see how much he truly sacrificed, perhaps I was blinded by my conjecture just because of his status...' Aderi felt a pang of guilt for judging Caelias for his actions in the novel.

'A crown prince who killed his own beloved...soon he followed her to the grave because she was the villainess, they couldn't be together, in his eyes, the afterlife is the only way they could be together, in the end, power is what he lacked in the novel'

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