Chapter 9

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Yesterday Aderi stayed inside the manor resting and spent her day reading a book.

But today was different, it was the day she was gonna meet Oscar, the sole prince of this very country, Bisoplain.

All the maids were making a fuss in her bedroom as she sat on the chair near the window, eating the breakfast Lily gave to her as they prepared her bath.

The scenery from that chair was amazing, it had a clear view of the outside, the weather was sunny, no clouds in sight.

"M'lady, your bath is ready, let us know when you are ready" One of the unfamiliar maids who went today to help her get ready informed with a polite smile.

"I'm ready, let's go" Aderi stood up as she let go of her spoon.

"M'lady, you haven't finished eating yet," Lily noticed as she looked at the table with the remains of Aderi's unfinished meal.

"It's fine...I don't have the appetite" Aderi said with a smile as she walked inside the bathroom along with the maid who came to inform her.

"Is the food not to your liking, m'lady?" Lily asked concerned as she followed Aderi.

"It's not that, I just can't seem to stomach anything at the moment, I'm quite nervous" Aderi let out a small smile as the other maid helped her out of her nightgown.

"I understand m'lady" Lily responded as they helped Aderi step inside the bathtub filled with water and different kinds of fragrance.

Aderi slowly sat inside the bathtub, the water slowly surrounding her.

Meeting and facing a prince was easy for her back in Skite, knowing Caelias the soon-to-be crown prince ever since they were a child. although they didn't meet honestly, Aderi can't deny this arrangement made it easy for her to avoid her first death flag.

"You must be so nervous m'lady, but I promise we will take good care of you" The other maid who was with them reassured her as they gently poured water over Aderi's head.

"Worry not m'lady! we will make sure his highness won't be able to take his eyes off you!" Lily said determined as she slowly scrubbed Aderi's arms.

This kind of setting in bathing was weird to her at first when she first reincarnated, but now it was normal for her.

But this is not an everyday occurrence, since most of the time she can only take a bath by dipping a cloth in water and scrubbing herself.


As soon as the bathing stopped they dragged Aderi out, letting her sit in the chair in front of her vanity, more maids were waiting there.

as soon as she was sat, one maid started drying her hair using a towel, while the other started doing her makeup.

Thankfully in the novel, it was said that there were no chemicals in the makeup, this was mentioned in one of the chapters in that novel, since Aderi placed chemicals in Ari's makeup, making her skin itch.

The villainess of course was found out and it added to her reputation as a villainess.

The maid carefully painted over Aderi's skin, enhancing her features. While the other maid diligently dried her hair.

Lily and the other maid from before were taking in some dress they had retrieved from somewhere, along with a few accessories and shoes.

Aderi doesn't know what is truly going on, but she just lets the maids do their work.


"M'lady, Your makeup is done" The maid who was doing her makeup informed, she slowly opened her eyes, looking at herself in the mirror.

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