°Eggs and All On Board!°

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Menchi took them to a mountain that was split in half. Funnily enough, that's also its name. Gon leaned to see the large cut across the mountain. A small breeze grazed his face while he observed many bundles of eggs held together by sticky web.

Menchi explained that those eggs were a rare delicacy in the gourmet world. They were expensive because of how dangerous getting a single one was. Not only because of this rift, but the creature that lays the eggs was also quite deadly and rare.

After the explanation, she jumped down, Leorio ran to the edge after a short scream. Wanderer looked down while tightly holding onto Nahida. They saw Menchi grab onto a line of web that connected the ends of the split together and got comfortable before staying still.

Just waiting until she abruptly let go. Gon gasped as she grabbed one egg and continued to fall. Leorio sighed, believing she wouldn't come back.

But the strong breeze that came from below brought Menchi up with it. She jumped to them and showed the plump egg in her hands.

"This will be your new test. Now-"

"That's more like it!"

An examinee jumped down, grabbed an egg and waited confidantly for the breeze. But it never came, he just kept falling down to his demise. Menchi sighed at his scream.

"Wait until I'm done explaining. You just need to get the egg-"

Gon jumped down with his arms spread out, Killua followed after him with his hands tucked inside his pockets. Kurapika followed, ready to grab onto that web. Leorio jumped head first with a worried expression. Menchi blinked before turning back and shouting after them.

"Wait! Wait I tell you-"

Wanderer ran past her and jumped down with Nahida.

"You too!? You don't need to- Arg!! You already passed!!"

Many examinees followed after them, they held onto the web and started to wait. But everyones weight started bringing the web down, it could barely hold them.

Leorio was starting to get impatient, when he saw some examines jump ahead.

"Can we jump now?!"

Gon shook his head.

"Not yet!"

Wanderer held onto Nahida with one arm while the other held the web. He could feel someone was still staring at him. The entire cooking competition, a clown was observing his every move.

Does he ever blink? How annoying. Their weight was getting ready to break the wall, he almost fell with the sudden movement. He held Nahida tighter, and she also grabbed onto his neck while Kurapika shouted at Gon.


"Not yet!"

Gon closed his eyes to feel the wind. He heard some examinees fall down and never come back. By the time Killua asked him 'how much longer?' The breeze grazed his face, he opened his eyes.


His five friends were the first to let go with him. Everyone else followed shortly after. Nahida grabbed an egg, she had to use both of her hands just to hold it. Since it was the size of her face.

Wanderer grabbed one with his free arm, and turned in the air so Nahida was facing the sky. A strong breeze lifted them up, and back to Menchi. She sighed with a big smile. While everyone moved to land, she turned to the examinees that didn't jump down.

"And you all? I'm guessing you'll gladly take the fail?"

Greasy ponytail kept his gaze down. Netero laughed at her words.

Nahida & Wanderer In HXHWhere stories live. Discover now