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Seonghwa's idiots

Yunho: someone please come and help me

Yunho: Jongho is angry

Yunho: and he just smashed three of my precious apples

Mingi: make a smoothie then

Yunho: two of them with his SHOES

Mingi: make a smol smoothie then

Yunho: no

Yunho: my orange is gone now

Seonghwa: did he lose again?

Yunho: yes

Mingi: praying for you

Seonghwa: your grave will be beautiful

Mingi: trust me, with sparkles n glitter

Seonghwa: no glitter

Seonghwa: I won't clean that shit

Yunho: so you both just let me die like that

Yunho: thanks guys

Mingi: np <3

Jongho: come out of the bathroom hyung

Jongho: I can hear your shaky breath

Mingi: calm down bro

Mingi: sounds like a horror movie

Yunho: it's about to be one

Seonghwa: no blood on the carpet in the bedroom please

Seonghwa: in case he dies I would like to have that one

Yunho: HYUNG


Mingi: fr

Yunho: he's banging onto the door

Yunho: I can SMELL his evil smile

Mingi: gross

Jongho: I'm coming in

Yunho: no you aren't


Seonghwa: Goodluck <3


The gays and Yeosang

Hongjoong: guys

San: *gays

Yeosang: and me

Hongjoong: gays and Yeosang, I just met that handsome man again

Wooyoung: how did it go

Hongjoong: turns out we both have the same sociology class

Hongjoong: hahahaha

Hongjooong: I feel like dying

San: same

Wooyoung: ???

Yeosang: did you see his girlfriend again?

Hongjoong: dunno if she's his girlfriend

Hongjoong: but yeah, she sits a few rows in front of us

Wooyoung: us??

Yeosang: US?

San: get that ass

Hongjoong: we're sitting together and I don't know if that's good

Hongjoong: originally there was a free seat between us

Hongjoong: but I don't have all of my books yet

Hongjoong: so he offered me to work together bsskwksndnej

Wooyoung: you're moving fast

Hongjoong: also


Yeosang: there's more??

Wooyoung: damn

Hongjoong: also he gave me his number, in case I need help

Hongjoong: since I'm new

Wooyoung: dkekwksjsbw

Yeosang: msnwwiaoaslsl

San: even Yeosang stopped working

San: congrats

Yeosang: so u gonna write him or not?

Hongjoong: I dunno

Hongjoong: he offered to send me some notes he took last semester since I might need them

Wooyoung: stop

Wooyoung: I might fall in love with him as well


Yeosang: You're excused

Yeosang: write him, seems like a nice guy

San: yes, write him

San: "break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored"

Hongjoong: no Ariana quotes in this chat pls

Wooyoung: fr

Wooyoung: but text him hyung

Yeosang: you'll regret it if you don't

Hongjoong: okay

Hongjoong: I'm nervous

Yeosang: just write him

Wooyoung: go get that man

San: and that ass

Hongjoong: Yeo, you're my number one now

San: ....

Wooyoung: can't argue with that

Yeosang: :) 

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