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"I can't believe Professor Jang told us to write a 15-page essay in two weeks", Hongjoong sighed, proceeding to sip on his hot tea.

Temperatures dropped ever since October had started and Hongjoong was enjoying it. He despised summer and sticking to his clothes whilst burning in the everlasting sun.

"At first, I thought it was a joke, you know? This is crazy", Seonghwa planted himself to Hongjoong's right as he ruffled through his own hair. They sat on the older's comfy couch again, laptops resting on top of their crossed legs. "Turns out she was being for real."

Both of them continued to struggle for another two hours, until Hongjoong ultimately decided his eyes hurt from staring at his screen. He placed his laptop onto the small desk in front of him as Seonghwa did the same.

Hongjoong yawned, head now resting in his left hand. "Pretty tiring to write an essay about communicating through eye contact, right?", Seonghwa laughed, head turning towards Hongjoong who was now in the midst of curling up himself. "You cold again?" Hongjoong nodded in response, giggling. "As much as I love autumn, I'm freezing pretty much 24/7."

His eyes closed ad he heard Seonghwa shuffling around. "Lift your arms please." Hongjoong complied sleepily, eyes only opening again after feeling a soft fabric gliding over his head. Seonghwa made him wear a hoodie again, this time a blueish one. He had already returned the other hoodie a few hours ago.

"This one's going to smell like cherries as well.", Hongjoong mumbled, watching Seonghwa as the older pulled down the fabric. It was way too big on the younger, sleeves longer than his arms, but Hongjoong didn't mind.

It felt like Seonghwa and a grin unwillingly appeared on his face. "I love the smell of cherries. I told you already, I don't mind." Seonghwa glanced at him and Hongjoong could swear that his senior blushed a little. "Try to sleep, I'll order something to eat in the meanwhile." And with that Hongjoong closed his eyes again, quickly finding rest in the dark. 

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