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Seonghwa's idiots

Yunho: Park

Yunho: Seonghwa

Yunho: how dare you

Seonghwa: how dare I what

Yunho: how can you play with my ps4 and NOT charge the controllers

Yunho: what tf should I do now

Seonghwa: study??

Seonghwa: go outside?

Mingi: he got a point Yunnie

Yunho: not fair :(

Seonghwa: I'm sorry though

Seonghwa: I didn't realize they were empty

Yunho: it's fine hyung

Mingi: let's go to the city

Seonghwa: animal crossing reference?

Mingi: no

Yunho: alright, sounds nice

Yunho: and it's currently not raining

Mingi: I'll be over in 5

Seonghwa: where's Jongho btw?

Yunho: he left our apartment at 9 a.m today

Yunho: AT NINE

Yunho: probably went to Yeosang again

Seonghwa: is that his now kind-of-boyfriend?

Mingi: yeah

Mingi: I think he's in love

Yunho: he is

Seonghwa: he grew up so fast


The gays

San: we just met Yunho and Mingi in the city

Wooyoung: crazy right

Wooyoung: so we're going shopping together now

San: since u forgot me

Hongjoong: Sannie I'm sorry :(

Wooyoung: oh you're finally finished with uni stuff?

San: about damn time

Hongjoong: actually I'm only like halfway through

Hongjoong: Seonghwa helped me

San: ???

Wooyoung: SEONGHWA???

Hongjoong: I'm at his place rn


San: I mean, cool bro

Hongjoong: he offered, kay? and who am I to decline

Wooyoung: so u studying together?

Hongjoong: we were, but just ate something

San: ;)

Hongjoong: gross San

Wooyoung: true

Wooyoung: I swear San got that from Yunho

Wooyoung: bad influence

San: he just opened my eyes

Wooyoung: close them again

Hongjoong: I've got some super glue

San: NO

Hongjoong: but I'm happy ya'll get along

Wooyoung: Mingi has style

Wooyoung: I swear I tried on some stuff he recommended and I look GOOD

San: indeed he does

San: and we thought about opening up a group chat

Hongjoong: great idea actually

Hongjoong: but pls behave yourself

Wooyoung: we will

Wooyoung: I'm not sure if Mingi n Yunho will

San: I swear they're so in love

San: idiots

Hongjoong: u could help them?

Hongjoong: like set up a date for them

San: that would be cute actually

San: smart hyungie

Hongjoong: :)

Wooyoung: let's invite them to the movies

Wooyoung: there's a pretty cheesy one coming out next week

Hongjoong: you shouldn't sit together tho

San: we'll let them believe we weren't able to sit with them then

Wooyoung: this

Wooyoung: this could actually work

Hongjoong: this is the smartest the two of you have ever been

San: what

Wooyoung: true

Hongjoong: I came up with it tho

Wooyoung: don't

Wooyoung: let me feel smart just a lil longer

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