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Jung Wooyoung

San: Woo baby

Wooyoung: Sannie

San: do u know where hongjoong hyung is?

San: I haven't seen him since yesterday

Wooyoung: probably at home?

Wooyoung: he told me he still needs to finish his essay

San: but I texted him two hours ago

San: and he didn't respond

Wooyoung: it's only eleven a.m

Wooyoung: no need to worry

San: :(

Wooyoung: ...wait

Wooyoung: maybe he's still asleep

Wooyoung: he always sleeps in after coming home from Seonghwa's place at night

San: but he usually is up at 10

Wooyoung: maybe

Wooyoung: MAYBE

Wooyoung: he slept at Seonghwa's??


San: he would've told us


The gays

Hongjoong: so

Hongjoong: good morning

Yeosang: bitch

Yeosang: it's two p.m

San: where were you??

Wooyoung: dead??

Hongjoong: I may or may have not slept at Seonghwa's

Wooyoung: I KNEW IT @San

San: ouch

San: here I was thinking you would tell us

Hongjoong: I wanted to

Hongjoong: actually I didn't plan on staying over

Hongjoong: but I grew pretty tired after we made out

Wooyoung: true

Wooyoung: WAIT

Yeosang: WHAT

San: HYUNG??

Hongjoong: :)

San: you can't just drop that info like it's nothing

Wooyoung: fr, I spit out my smoothie

Yeosang: ew

Hongjoong: sorry

Hongjoong: I guess

San: you better be

San: it's all over my beautiful floor now

Yeosang: so you're official now

Hongjoong: ...no?

Hongjoong: he's still asleep

Hongjoong: haven't talked about it yet

Wooyoung: our dad finally found his wife

Hongjoong: please stop

San: we won't

Hongjoong: sigh

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