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"I can't believe we won't be able to sit together.", Yunho complained as the four of them entered the cinema. "Right? But when Sannie and I bought the tickets yesterday there weren't many seats left." Wooyoung looked at Yunho with puppy eyes whilst smirking to himself. "It's fine Woo, you tried your best." Mingi pat his left shoulder, smiling reassuringly.

They made their way towards room 5 before splitting up. "San and I will take the seats at the front, so you both go to the back. ", Wooyoung said, showing them their seats. Yunho and Mingi nodded, waving goodbye and then planted themselves onto their seats.

"Do you know what we're watching?", Yunho asked Mingi who was seated to his left. The other shook his head and Yunho couldn't help but notice the pretty rings that were dangling from his ears today. "I hope something funny, or a thriller at least."

Soon after the room darkened as the lights dimmed and everyone went quiet. Yunho didn't bother watching the ads, mentally more aware of the fact that he was left with Mingi.

He liked Mingi, more than he actually wanted to think about. Mingi was his best friend, the one who could makes jokes with and talk endlessly or just sit in silence for hours.

As the movie started he focused again, although blushing. This wasn't a thriller. It was a cheesy romance, Yunho noticed, as the movie went on. The main protagonists, a man and a woman in their late twenties, were all over each other without realizing that they were in love.

They're so dumb, Yunho thought. He slightly shuffled in his seat which led to Mingi turning his head towards him, right eyebrow raised in question. "Everything fine?", he whispered, whilst reaching his hand out to grab Mingi's left one. They intertwined their hands, making Yunho blush even more. He mentally prayed that his best friend wouldn't notice.

He nodded slightly and Mingi turned his head towards the screen again, their hands still intertwined and resting in Yunho's lap. The older glanced at them occasionally, heart beating against his chest harder than usual.

Towards the end of the movie the man finally confessed to the woman, both of them sitting in a park and eating sweet dishes. Yunho didn't understand why Wooyoung had to pick this movie, out of everything that was released recently. His heartbeat only fastened more, as the pair finally kissed.

His left hand unwillingly clenched around Mingi's and he closed his eyes. "Yunho?", Mingi whispered as a hand grabbed his face, turning Yunho towards the other. His lids slowly rose, too embarrassed to actually look at his best friend.

Before he could react, Mingi's face was suddenly near his, his brown orbs alternating between glancing at his lips and looking into Yunho's eyes. Yunho nodded, barely visible in the still dark room, but Mingi seemed to understand.

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