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The gays

San: hyung

San: we wanted to go shopping today

Wooyoung: without me?

Wooyoung: the betrayal

San: :)

San: hyung?

Wooyoung: maybe he's still working on that essay of his

San: probably

San: but I really wanted to go shopping today

Wooyoung: take me with you then

San: but

San: promise me

San: you won't spend 400$ today again

Wooyoung: aright

Wooyoung: I hate you

San: I'll be at yours in 10, love

San: wear something pretty

Wooyoung: hyung will kill you when he finally reads those messages

San: let me be romantic for once

Wooyoung: :)

Wooyoung: hurry up


When Hongjoong opened his eyes again he immediately noticed two things:

One, he wasn't sitting anymore. His head rested on a pillow that was placed on top of Seonghwa's crossed legs.

Two, the older was playing with Hongjoong's hair, softly crawling it.

Oh my god, Hongjoong thought, his heart feeling like it might burst any moment. He shuffled a little as one of his legs was squished beneath the other. "Oh, you're already awake", Seonghwa smiled, still crawling Hongjoong's head. "I thought this might be a bit more comfortable. Food should arrive any minute."

Hongjoong's eyes met the older's as he turned towards him and he slightly gasped.

Seonghwa's eyes were big and bright, sparkling and seemingly telling a story of their own. They were straight up beautiful.

Hongjoong thought that Professor Jang might be right: Purely communicating through eye contact suddenly felt possible.

It would be beautiful to know what Seonghwa thought in that exact moment, but at the same time Hongjoong feared that the older might be able to read his feelings as well.

They spaced out for a few seconds, just staring off into each other's eyes. Both promptly snatched out of it as the doorbell rang, a light flush now covering Hongjoong's cheeks. "I ordered Chinese, is that fine with you?", Seonghwa asked whilst opening the door, glancing at Hongjoong. He immediately nodded, smiling softly.

And whilst Seonghwa proceeded to pay the deliveryman - wearing black sweatpants and a grey hoodie with the hood pulled over his head - Hongjoong decided that he would ask Seonghwa out. Soon.

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