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Hongjoong sat in the left corner of the greyish couch, finally not freezing anymore. His cheeks still felt hot, reminding him that he wore one of Seonghwa's hoodies.

A few hours ago Hongjoong, San and Wooyoung arrived at the older's place which was surprisingly tidy. Mingi and Yunho were lovely albeit just as childish as his own friends.

("They like to call themselves my kids. I lovingly call them my idiots.", Seonghwa grinned as Hongjoong and him found some quiet place to talk.)

The others proceeded to order some food for the whole group, debating on whether pineapple on pizza was a crime or not.

"So, you recently transferred to this university for studying psychology. How are you adapting?", Seonghwa asked after he returned from his bedroom. He also changed clothes, instead of a shirt now wearing a grey hoodie.

"It's...been confusing, to say the least. But thanks to you I at least manage to survive sociology class as of right now. There's still a lot I need to change in terms of study methods." Hongjoong laughed, his eyes crinkling ever so slightly.

It was easy talking to Seonghwa, calming and reassuring at once. "I'm sure everything will be better once you memorize the time table and stuff like that. I was a mess in my first weeks at uni."

"Law must be tiring as well. I used to watch some movies every now and then, explaining a variety of verdicts of prisoners. Eventually it got too confusing.", Hongjoong explained, grabbing the glass full of coke from the small table in front of him.

Seonghwa laughed softly, eye's soft. "It sounds worse than it is, I promise. You eventually just study 24/7 to memorize all the right pages."

"Still sounds awful to me. So no free time?" Hongjoong glanced at the older who laughed as he shook his head. One eyebrow rose for a few seconds and Hongjoong damned him for looking so good on a normal Saturday evening.

How dare he.

"There's still time left and I could actually have more, but I like studying. Dating is nearly impossible as well, considering I tend to stay indoors." "Oh, I thought you had a girlfriend? At least it seemed like that at the book store." Hongjoong mentally high-fived himself for casually sliding in that question.

Seonghwa shook his head again, his black hair falling in front of his eyes. "We're not really dating. She's nice, but I don't know if I see her as more than a friend.", Seonghwa answered whilst

swiping some strands of his hair behind one ear.

Hongjoong tried, really tried to hide his smile, but apparently, he failed miserably. Seonghwa grinned.

"You guys doing fine? We actually could need some help over here. San and Wooyoung are fighting over different cheese flavors and I don't wanna witness a breakup today.", Mingi shouted from the kitchen, head sticking out to look at the two.

They stood up quickly whilst Hongjoong proceeded to look everywhere instead of Seonghwa's brown orbs. "We'll help you."

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