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Park Seonghwa

Seonghwa: I can't believe you haven't watched Star Wars already

Seonghwa: I'm shocked

Hongjoong: sorry :(

Hongjoong: but I swear I'm hooked now

Seonghwa: we just watched the first movie

Seonghwa: I promise it'll get so much better

Hongjoong: even better?

Seonghwa: oh yes

Seonghwa: let's watch the other ones together too

Hongjoong: definitely

Hongjoong: u still need to explain some lore to me

Seonghwa: gladly

Hongjoong: btw, Wooyoung and San told me they want to create a group chat

Seonghwa: yes please

Seonghwa: do you have everyone's number?

Hongjoong: I do, apart from your third friend

Hongjoong: if he wants to join as well

Seonghwa: contact-choi-jongho, xxx xxxx xx17

Hongjoong: wait

Hongjoong: his name is Choi Jongho???

Seonghwa: yes?

Hongjoong: oh my god

Seonghwa: you know him?

Hongjoong: apparently

Hongjoong: he's dating Kang Yeosang, my other bestie

Seonghwa:...so they went on a gym date together??

Hongjoong: they did

Hongjoong: how didn't I notice

Seonghwa: I didn't either

Seonghwa: seems like we don't need to introduce them anymore fnkfskfksls

Hongjoong: nskbskkdgvbd


Hongjoong created the group "ot8"

Hongjoong added Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Jongho



Yeosang: well

Yeosang: hello everyone

Yeosang: why do you have Jongho's number??

Hongjoong: turns out we already kinda know him

Seonghwa: yep

San: wait what

Yunho: oh

Yunho: Jongho's my roommate

Wooyoung: GASP

Mingi: and ya'll know Yeosang already?

San: he's our bestie

Wooyoung: we share a braincell with him

Mingi: WHAT

Hongjoong: Yeosang is the one who has it most of the time

Yeosang: :)

Jongho: that's crazy, smol world

Seonghwa: we just noticed as well

Wooyoung: but that's great

Wooyoung: now we're one big family

Yunho: Seongjoong and the kids

Hongjoong: ???

Hongjoong: we have a name?

Mingi: it's a ship

Yunho: let it sail

Seonghwa: help


Park Seonghwa

Hongjoong: u wanna come over?

Hongjoong: we need to finish our essays

Hongjoong: ...and I wanna watch the second part

Seonghwa: I need your address

Hongjoong: xxxxxxxxx xxxx

Seonghwa: omw 

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