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Park Seonghwa

Hongjoong: hey

Hongjoong: I just noticed I still have your hoodie

Hongjoong: I'll wash it and bring it over sometime soon?

Seonghwa: don't worry about that

Seonghwa: just bring it over whenever you're free, no need to wash it

Hongjoong: but what if it stinks

Seonghwa: it doesn't

Hongjoong: how do you know

Seonghwa: you didn't stink on Saturday :)

Seonghwa: you actually smelled like cherries

Hongjoong: I tried out some new shampoo

Seonghwa: stick with it


The gays

Hongjoong: GASP

Wooyoung: I smell gay panic


Park Seonghwa

Hongjoong: I will

Hongjoong: maybe your hoodie smells like cherries now as well

Seonghwa: I wouldn't mind

Hongjoong: but it may take a while

Hongjoong: the essay for sociology class is bothering me sm at the moment

Seonghwa: maybe I can help

Seonghwa: come over tomorrow afternoon? I'm halfway through, isn't as bad as it seems

Hongjoong: my knight in shining armor

Seonghwa: ;)

Seonghwa: okay I lied, the essay is straight up painful

Seonghwa: let's suffer together

Hongjoong: I'll be there

Hongjoong: and I'll bring chocolate 

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