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Hongjoong: hello? This is Kim Hongjoong, you gave me your number in sociology class today :)

???: oh hey, I just realized you don't even know my name yet haha

???: I'm Park Seonghwa

Hongjoong: you said you could send me the notes from last semester

Hongjoong: actually I didn't understand anything today, so that would be pretty helpful

Seonghwa: understandable

Seonghwa: professor Jang likes to talk about useless stuff, so I tend to make notes from the things I find online

Seonghwa: gimme a sec

Hongjoong: it's fine, I didn't expect you to answer so soon anyways haha

Seonghwa: basic-interactions.pdf

Seonghwa: Hope that helps! :)

Hongjoong: thank you so much

Hongjoong: I swear you just saved my life

Hongjoong: for a second I thought I might have to change my major again

Seonghwa: again?

Seonghwa: what did you do before?

Hongjoong: I took some business classes for two semesters

Hongjoong: and then I realized I suck at math

Seonghwa: same haha, glad I don't have to suffer any longer

Hongjoong: so you major in law?

Hongjoong: you smart smart

Seonghwa: ;)

Seonghwa: don't know how I landed here tbh

Seonghwa: after school I didn't know what to do, but my grades were pretty great

Hongjoong: so you thought why not

Seonghwa: yeah

Seonghwa: turns out I'm really good at what I do

Hongjoong: tha'ts amazing tho

Seoghwa: psychology isn't easy either, right?

Hongjoong: it really isn't

Hongjoong: but it's something I grew interested in for the past few years

Hongjoong: maybe I can read thoughts soon

Seonghwa: would be awesome actually

Seonghwa: and terrifying, to say the least

Hongjoong: not sure if I really want that

Hongjoong: some of my friends literally have no brain

Hongjoong: head empty

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