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"What a pity", Seonghwa murmured, leaning down and finally connecting their lips. One of his hands slid behind Hongjoong's head, deepening the kiss. Hongjoong was afraid he might just die on the spot. The way Seonghwa kissed was breathtaking, in every way.

Eventually Hongjoong found himself turning around, now straddling Seonghwa's closed thighs and laptop set aside. His hands rested on the front of Seonghwa's hoodie, slightly fumbling with the fabric. The older smiled into the kiss. "It fortunally still smells like your cherry shampoo.", he whispered softly, lips making contact with Hongjoong's once again as his hands glided towards the man's tiny waist. Seonghwa carefully slid his hands beneath Hongjoong's, actually also Seonghwa's, hoodie, caressing the skin.

Hongjoong deepened the kiss, leaning his head towards the left and his right hand now resting on Seonghwa's soft cheek. What are we doing, he thought, butterflies threatening to break free. He didn't dare to lift his lips for too long, afraid that Seonghwa might say something that would shatter his fragile heart.

Eventually Seonghwa did pull back to which Hongjoong responded with a small whine. However, the older's hands didn't stop caressing his waist. Seonghwa smiled softly, eyes halfaway open and looking at Hongjoong fondly.

"Stay the night, it's getting late. I don't want you to get lost", Seonghwa mumbled as he pulled Hongjoong against him. The younger nodded against Seonghwa's hoodie, silently inhaling his flowery scent. He felt safe.

Hongjoong must've dozen off, because his eyes opened quickly as the man under him proceeded to stand up with Hongjoong clinging onto him. Seonghwa made his way to the bedroom, carrying Hongjoong like he weighted nothing. The next thing Hongjoong felt were soft bed sheets beneath him as Seonghwa carefully laid him down. He then proceeded to cover Hongjoong with the covers, slipping under them himself whilst keeping a small distance.

"Go to sleep again", the older whispered. With a sudden bravery Hongjoong closed the gap between them. Seonghwa laughed softly as he pulled the younger against his chest, one arm resting on his waist. Hongjoong could feel a soft kiss being pressed onto his forehead before he dozed off. 

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