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"They're cute", Seonghwa mumbled as he stared as his screen. Hongjoong hummed approvingly, eyes closed as a hand stroked his hair as usual. His head laid in the older's lap again. Almost every time he and Seonghwa spent time together he would end up laying down whilst the man played with his hair. It was already late and Hongjoong felt himself growing tired with each second that passed by.

"Are you finished with your essay yet?", the older asked, turning his soft brown eyes towards Hongjoong. " 'm not. Kinda struggle with the conclusion. I think I can't bring my point across successfully." Hongjoong got up and grabbed his laptop, opening the fifteen pages he somehow managed to write in the last few weeks.

"I'll help you", Seonghwa said and they both settled on the couch. "What do you think about this part?", Hongjoong asked, watching Seonghwa furrowing his brows. He looked handsome today, as always, and wore a grey hoodie. This is the one he lend to me, Hongjoong thought as he blushed a little. "I can't read it, come here." Seonghwa opened his legs and pat the space in between, which made Hongjoong blush even more. Seonghwa just laughed softly in response, tucking at the youngers arm.

Nervously Hongjoong climbed into the small space, his back eventually leaning on Seonghwa's front. It was warm and comfy. He found himself calming down, Seonghwa's presence soothing him as always. "Now I can read properly. Let's see...I think you should convey your thoughts differently, like", Seonghwa reached around Hongjoong's small frame, now typing in some linking sentences. "I haven' thought about that, thank you", Hongjoong whispered, eyes glancing down on the older's pretty hands that were typing on his keyboard continually.

Eventually Hongjoong got the hang of it, writing down ideas that made Seonghwa humm in satisfaction. "You're doing well", he murmured, pressing a soft kiss onto Hongjoong's head. Hongjoong tried to stay calm, fumbling with the keyboard now as he was surprised at the sudden action. Was Seonghwa able to hear his fast heartbeat as well? The pounding against his chest, as the man nuzzled his face into Hongjoong's soft hair?

"Is this...is this okay with the girl you're seeing?", Hongjoong asked cautiously, head turning back towards Seonghwa's slightly lowered eyes. "I'm not seeing her anymore, if I ever actually did. I couldn't."

"You couldn't?"

Seonghwa hummed, smiling.

"Someone made it really hard for me."

"Really? Why's that?"

"He got very distracting." Seonghwa didn't break eye contact, confidently waiting for Hongjoong to say something. But the younger was frozen, eyes wide open and at a loss of words. "Well, he-", Hongjoong started, desperately trying to form an actual sentence "...he frankly wasn't able to concentrate on university either."

Was he actually confessing now? Did Seonghwa just confess?

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