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And then - their lips connected. Yunho's stomach flipped, thousands of butterflies threatening to burst out. Mingi's lips were soft, so soft. His eyes closed again as he finally reciprocated the kiss, leaning slightly to the left.

Kissing Mingi was nothing like he imagined. It was like coming home, a warm blanket wrapping around you on a chilly day, like the first sip of your favorite coffee.

Mingi's thumb slowly caressed his cheek and Yunho was sure he had noticed how hot they actually were. At that moment, Yunho didn't care about the people around them that were probably avoiding looking at them, instead watching the just as cheesy movie.

It was so cliché. Kissing in the movie theatre on a supposedly date. Jung Wooyoung, Yunho just thought, you just wait. But at the same time he was thankful, both of their new friends seemed to have noticed the slight awkwardness between Yunho and Mingi.

Was it so obvious? Was he too blind to see Mingi feeling just the same?

They continued to kiss, blending out everything around them and didn't notice that were being watched by a giggling Wooyoung and smiling San. "Took them long enough.", Wooyoung mumbled softly, turning towards his boyfriend and pressing a short sweet kiss on lips. "Like Hongjoong said, they remind me of us.", San added, grabbing Wooyoung's right hand, caressing the back slightly. Both of them continued to watch the movie happily.

Mingi still kissed Yunho, seemingly pouring all of his feelings into it, trying to convey his emotions that were all over the place. At least it felt like that to Yunho, who gasped as Mingi tried to pull him even closer.

Lost in his own little fairytale he didn't notice that the movie ended and the lights turned on again. Only when someone cleared his throat in front of him, Yunho and Mingi parted their lips unwillingly. San and Wooyoung stood in front of them and Yunho wanted die. He couldn't look neither San and Wooyoung nor Mingi in the eyes.

"Seems like you both worked it out", San commented as the four of them made their way out of the cinema. Mingi laughed softly and it was like music to Yunho's ears. "We did.", the man said, quickly pressing a kiss to Yunho's cheek, that promptly heated up again.

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