Chapter 9

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Over the last weeks i had started to train Toby and Alice the basics to start because somewhere in my mind I knew the specters would be back and they won't give up so easily but u had also talked to Raiden the specters got back to the Nether Realm and the reason they wanted the kids was they wanted to have kids of their own but they couldn't so they are trying to take ours. As I talked to Nisa who insisted on staying because of the events if the reunion Lara came over to me and said "I think we should give them a brake" she then gave me the look which ment she wouldn't take no for an answer so I silently agreed being how hard I had been working them I decided to take them into the village to see their friends and give them time to be kids. While we walked their Nisa decided to stay behind and get a surprise ready I had started to see why Lara liked her she is a good person and has a good heart but Toby was acting like their was invisible enemys while Alice was looking around taking in the scenery and trying to pet all the animals she got close enough to while me and Lara where watching them smiling and laughing when we reached the edge of the village Toby or grandpa was walking back in we caught up to him we hadn't seen in awhile but he was looking older than last time and a bit pale so I said (he hadn't noticed us yet) "Well you look younger than ever" he turned and looked at me smiled and hugged me then Lara then both kids and said "What's this? You finally come to visit me?" Lara laughed "We would've come sooner but we didn't want to give old gramps a heart attack from suprise" we walked and talked to the old Toby for awhile then the kids ran off with their friends nearly running into Hanzo who had caught them in a bear hug told them hi and then let them run off he walked to us told us hi then he went to say something when Toby fell clutching at his heart Lara then grabbed him before he hit the ground and asked worried "You okay gramps?" He tried to speak but didn't manage anything besides a strangled sounding "pocket" so I reached into his pocket pulling out a small container with very little purple looking liquid but without waiting I managed to get it to gramps in time he stopped clutching at his heart we had asked him questions about what happened he said he had been having heart problems but dismissed it as nothing I kept an eye on him but when it was time to leave I couldn't convince him to come with us so before we left I whispered to Hanzo "Keep a close eye on him please" Hanzo nodded sending us on our way when we got home the kids were going to run for it trying to surprise us but not noticing the the hidden well Nisa in a tree who jumped down catching them it turns out she cleaned every inch of the house and cooked all was nice after thanking her a lot we al went to bed. Suddenly a erupting pain ripped through through me each one more painful then the last I remember screaming in pain and the look of Lara tired but terrified face but that was it when I woke up I was only a few hours from the house but when I pushed myself up off the ground I noticed I was in my combat gear and most noticeable I was surrounded and covered in ash then secondly the tips of my spears were partially wet and dry when my vision cleared I noticed it was blood on them remembering part of what happened I ran back to the house following a path of ash and still barely alive embers when I reached the house to part of my relief it was still standing but the balcony coming off my and Lara's room was ruined it too covered with ash and cracked then I ran into the house thankfully finding my family and Nisa all sitting in the living room they hadn't noticed my entering but looked at me when I fell to my knees crying Lara walked over to me hugged me and asked "What's wrong?" I replied "I didn't kill any of you but I ruined the place and I don't know who I did kill" she backed up looked at me and then looked at my ash covered body then picked up my still extended spears and noticed the now fully dried blood she looked at me again hugged me and told me it was okay just trying to comfort me when Sub-Zero walked up to me picked me up off the ground then threw me to the ground kicked me and when Lara tried to stop him he stopped her by freezing her legs and said "this is between me and the murdering bastard" he looked at me closely and yelled "WHAT?!?! YOU'RE CRYING NOW YOU DIDN'T SO MUCH AS BLINK BEFORE YOU MURDERED THEM!" I looked at him and asked two questions " where's proof I did it and if it was me was I on fire?" He looked at me disgusted reached to his back and removed a long object covered with a black cloth and threw it in front of me the cloth flew off revealing one of my swords covered from tip to hilt in blood and then he replied "Yes" I looked at him and said "bye" then I picked up my sword and slid it through my heart I heard Lara,Nisa,and avenue the kids yell no as I did it then I shed one final tear for what I had to do then I went up in flames.

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