Chapter 17

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"Uhhh why do you two always have to be so over protective?" I looked at Alice now fifteen and said "Because we don't want you getting hurt" Alice replied "I won't get hurt not like were going to get ourselves killed just to get to be a demon" that's when now sixteen Toby stepped into the argument "SIS! You should know just as well as I do that dad didn't get killed intentionally!" Then Lara stepped in saying "Calm down everyone Alice if you want to go hang out with your friends on one condition" Alice looked a little happier and asked "what's the condition?" I looked at Lara and she said "Your brother goes to but don't worry he won't be noticeable" Alice looked mad about that but said "fine" and walked out the door before Toby followed I handed him a kunai and said "I know she'll be hanging around guys so if she forgets your there and they try anything you know what to do" Toby looked at me and said "A bit harsh don't you think?" I just replied "It would give your sister less of a reason or desire to talk to you if you have to" then Lara walked up and grabbed the kunai and said "Don't use this just kick him hard enough in the dick" Toby just walked off with a what the fuck face then I turned to Lara and kissed her head and said "Now that their gone" she cut me off saying "Nope not this time" I just ran up behind her picking her up and running outside swinging her around when I stopped she said laughing "Stop it you asshole" then I started laughing then put her on my shoulders and ran around in circles then set her down she just hit calling me an asshole then gramps walked out of the house saying "Will you two ever grow up?" Lara said "Nope and im still want to know how he came back to life" I just smiled and said "Magic" we all went back inside and started talking about the past abd laughing then I stopped and they looked at me Lara asked "What's wrong?" I just said "Nothing it's just sometimes I miss those days in prison and when we were their age" they just agreed then some guy walked in and said "I can teleport you back in time your lives before this restored and by the way yes you will still be able to have your darling kids" I just looked at him stood up then summoned hellfire burning him to a pile of ashes then flipped off the ashes Lara stared at me shocked I said "WHAT? he was an old friend Dave come on in" Dave walked in he had long black hair blue eyes and a long black and silver cloak Dave said "Hi and that thing you husband burned was actually a clone made from a strand of my hair" Lara just looked at him funny and dismissed him that's when Hanzo came out of no where panting then said "James the village is under ..... attack again this time it's bat demons and regular demons" I just darted up the stairs and flung through my stuff looking for my gear then I found my spare but it had been readjusted then Lara came in the room saying "Shot sorry I was wearing it from your last death" so I just tossed it to her and looked for my cloak and mask but when I opened its box there was a note from Toby saying 'sorry dad I'm borrowing this -Toby' so I looked for my first set when I pulled it out it was to broken to use so I just grabbed my throwing knives,sword,and spears then jumped off the balcony and landing with a role then took off down the road to scared to use my demon powers but Lara caught up fast and Dave showed up with a cloak and tossed it to me saying "Be glad I brung a spare" I put it on while running which was difficult when we reached the village the demons were still to the west we came from the south and Alice and Toby were in the west which sucked I knew they were in trouble so I looked at Lara and said "I'm doing it" she looked at me and said "You better not..." she was saying something but I had already teleported and was on a roof I drew my sword and started reaching out telekinetically to try and find the kids killing a few demons on the way and when I found them Alice was crying I looked around her brother was standing in front of her protectively and around them were demons and Alice's friends were dead except two who were also behind Toby who drew a sword but when a demon lunged I jumped from the rooftop and plunged my sword through the demons head then turned to the kids I opened a portal and ordered them through but Alice's friends didn't trust me and thought I was bad demon because the guy took the sword from Toby and swung at me I deflected the swing easily but caught a glimpse of myself my eyes were flaming and my back was too so I disarmed him and gave the sword back to Toby and said demonically "Go now before I lose it" Toby pushed his sister's friends through then her then he went through I closed the portal and turned to the other demons and asked "You feeling lucky?" One of them returned with "The real question is do YOU feel Lucky" so I said "Very" I decapitated him then turned to a bat and through a kunai while stabbing a demon then a bat caught me off guard ripping my sword hand open and I could feel the poison burning through me while draining me of my energy then a second one lashed my face then a third got my leg I tried to crawl away but the poison burned to much at the same time I conjured a giant fucking fireball and slammed it into the demons while falling through a portal I landed on the south road next to four kids Alice,Toby, and her friends when Alice saw me she gelled me up asking "Dad you alright?" Toby looked over and said "Alice what do you think we need to get him to A. The house or B. Hell" Alice turned and asked "Which is closest?" Toby said "Which do you think" pointing to a giant portal in the distance "Unless dad is able to we have to go through that one" I shook my head and opened a portal and crooked out painfully "Through" I knew what I was doing was wrong but I had to. I gestured Alice's friend through then had Alice and Toby help me through we came out in the sanctuary I pointed to the river when we got to it they asked what to do but I just said "Let go of me" they did and I fell in feeling the pure wanted purge the poison from my blood and numb my wounds I climbed out feeling great I pointed to Alice's friend the guy and asked "What's your name?" He responded "Joe" I turned to the girl and she said "Alexis" I told them both they weren't allowed to remember this place being only a family sanctuary then I turned to Toby after altering what they were seeing and wiping what the place looked like but I turned to Toby and said "Swich me stuff" he handed me my cloak and mask then I used Dave's cloaks sleeves as bandages then I opened a portal to the house and told the kids through then closed the portal opened a second portal back to the village I went through and I fell from the sky someone was fucking with my portals but I broke my fall by opening a series of portals making it hard to switch which one led where but I managed to get to the ground then ran into the village towards were I heard people screaming when I got there the Cerberus was in the village and Lara was pinned down by a demon I tried to get to her but the Cerberus was in between us and I couldn't get around so I jumped in its leg sheathing my sword and drawing two daggers I climbed the beast quickly then I summoned a giant fireball and smashed it into one of its heads crushing it then I jumped off its back landing on my feet then looking around and the last thing I saw was Lara out cold with shredded armour a broken mask and a bloody face being dragged through the portal then it closed and I fell to my knees as the Cerberus fell dead and the last demon killed I stayed their replaying her being dragged away by demons.

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