Chapter 12

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I went into the room empty except a small bed and a table for if any one ever moves into it I went out to the balcony and looked down at my armour and slid out the very knife from that night I looked at the knife and remembered me in my nightgown then James grabbing my waist and his words "What would you have done if I was going to kill you?" Is smiled down at the knife and then said "Same thing you would have done" then I heard the flames I turned to find the man staring at me I asked "What should I call you?" He looked at me and said "I don't know Lara" he walked out onto the balcony I looked at him "You don't have a name?" He without hesitation said "No" I then said "Thanks" he looked at me and asked "for what?" I replied "For bringing me here" he nodded "You needed it but we're not done" before I could ask we teleported to the place were me and James met the very prison cell then next James' hidden sanctuary or the families hidden sanctuary then the house finally the sky temple on top of the stairs were I was married to James at this point I was crying again he then said "You should know what to do from here and by the way you can call me....." I cut him off with "ghost" he looked at me and said "Better than what I thought of and if you ever need anything important just call for me I promise I will be there" with that he was gone leaving me there I was getting tired so tired but I didn't care I was going to get my children back but I blacked out last thing I felt was my leg breaking from the fall down the stairs. When I woke up my right arm and leg were rigged stiff and I hurt like hell then I opened my eyes to see Cassie sitting next to me and I noticed I wasn't in the sky temple I was in a actual hospital tried to speak but I couldn't Cassie laughed a little and said You took quite the fall and you might want some water I watched Cassie fill a cup with water then she helped me adjust the bed so I could drink it without it spilling down my hospital gown I looked at my arm and leg they were wrapped in red casts Cassie noticed what I was looking and she said "Just be glad I was here they were going to give you pink casts" I felt my fingers and neck to find my necklace and rings were gone I started looking around the room frantically then I started to try to get up Cassie pushed me down and asked "What is it?" I looked at her and said "My stuff were is it it's all I have left" she motioned for me to calm down with a 'what the fuck are you talking about' face and grabbed a bag with my stuff in it with one hand I dug through it and put my rings on then looked for the necklace and James's ring but couldn't find them I turned to Cassie worried and asked were is my necklace and other ring she looked confused then said "Uhhhhhh you have both your rings and the necklace as your calling it was confiscated because it's a weapon" I looked at her sternly and said "I had a third ring and the necklace I want both" Cassie walked out then came back with the ring I asked "The necklace?" She shook her head and said "They won't give it back until you leave" I was enraged but knowing I couldn't get it back for awhile made me think of something but then Cassie asked "what's so important about all this stuff?" So I explained about what happened before I the story ended Cassie was crying then I quietly whispered "ghost ghost can you hear me?" Then in front of Cassie ghost appeared out of a pillar of flames he then said "So I leave and this happens what's so important?" Cassie spooked jumped when he spoke I looked at him and said "Ghost do me a solid and get the rest of my stuff for me please?" I could see him roll his eyes under his mask then he teleported out Cassie turned to me and was just making the mouth movements of "What the fuck?" I just smiled and couldn't resist saying it childishly "That's Ghost he's my buddy" when he returned he threw me my knife and necklace then I said "Now I need to get out of here so i can save my kids" he grabbed me and teleported me and Cassie grabbed him but we went to the sky temple in the chamber of the life force which quickly healed me then he teleported us to the stairs leading out of the temple he then turned to Cassie and teleported her alone then he said "I teleported her back to the hospital as for you" he paused and broke my casts "I'm coming with because you can't seem to keep your head straight right now"

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