Chapter 3: Come To Me

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Come to me!

He wakes up with that plea on his lips every night.

He has been calling for his Master for as long as he can remember and he can’t just stop now. It seems to him that his call is the only thing keeping his Master by his side, anchoring him and not letting his perfect Light just drift away.

Because why else would this magnificent being – the one whose eyes glow in the darkness with celestial radiance, the one who is as bright and unreachable as distant stars of faraway worlds – why would he willingly stay with him, Anakin Skywalker, the boy whose heart is drenched in Darkness, whose eyes are black with greedy desire to soak up his Light? Why else would he stay? The answer is simple: he wouldn’t.

And it’s okay, Anakin thinks. Just fine. He can still make him stay. All he has to do is simply grip him tighter and never let go. Never let his Master leave him. Never relinquish his hold on his heart. Weave his dark thread into the unblemished canvas of his Master’s very being. Intertwine their lives together until it’s absolutely impossible to tell them apart…

But he needs to be smart about it. Subtle.

By day, his Master may be as cold as steel. Distant. Aloof. Unyielding in his indifferent Jedi serenity. But when the night comes and darkness falls over Coruscant, when the moons rise over the Temple and the Light Side goes dormant, Anakin knows his Master will hear his call.

So Anakin keeps whispering, every night – like a prayer to his personal god – spinning his words into a net all around his Master’s blinding Force Signature.

“Think about me, day and night,” he adjures solemnly. “Don’t put me out of your mind, not for a second.”

“Come to me! Stay with me!” he urges.

“I am your destination. I am your mission, your main objective,” he convinces, insistent and assertive.

“Remember me always, always,” he prompts openly. “Let all your thoughts be about me and me alone. Nothing else. No one else. Just me. Only me.”

“I am the one you have been looking for, just like you are the one I’ve been waiting for as long as I can remember,” he assures, his voice enticing and needy. “Come to me! Stand beside me! Wrap your arms around me and never let go.”

“You are the only one who can help me. You are the only one who can save me. You are the only one,” he cajoles and coaxes, shameless in his urgency.

“You’ve heard the voice of the Force,” he implores, and begs, and persuades.

“Come to me! Come closer!”

The mantra falls off Anakin’s lips easily, almost unconsciously after years of endless repetition.

That is cheating, of course. That isn’t fair to his Master. And Anakin knows he shouldn’t be trying to manipulate him like that, but the truth is – he doesn’t care. For the first time in his life, he’s gotten something that is his and his alone. And it’s the most amazing, beautiful person in the entire universe, so he is not about to let him go just because of some stupid qualms.

He might still be just a child, but as a former slave he has already seen more ugliness of existence than most people get to see in their entire lives. He is not naïve. He is ruthless in his desire to keep the treasure the Force has gifted him with. And he will not hesitate to use whatever means necessary.

“Come to me!” his lips keep chanting every night – and every day his Master comes just a little bit closer. Entranced and pulled in by the simple words.

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